Hawaii sucks.

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 Hawaii made Jason wish he was in the Fields of Punishment.

He didn't know how long it had been. Everything felt hazy – something about being tortured in a volcano just did that to you, the space around him overbearingly hot. His skin was blistering, his throat was bone-dry. The only reason he was forcing himself to stay awake was for Daniel, who looked no better than he felt.

"How long do you think we'll be here?" Jason croaked out, the chains his hands were bound with rattling. Their powers were useless, the two had learned that much.

"Save your strength," Daniel muttered. "He might be back soon."

Jason noticed how he didn't answer the question.

"Cool, cool," he said under his breath, as if he wasn't bleeding from multiple limbs. Thankfully, the person that was keeping them there had stepped out for a moment. "This is great."

Daniel scowled at him. Jason could see bruises forming even on his tan skin. "Shut up, Grace."

"You should do as he asked," a cool voice echoed throughout the structure. "I can't imagine that backtalk will be looked upon favorably by my master."

Probably not, Jason thought. But that had never really stopped him. "Your master can kiss my-"

"Where is he?" Daniel interrupted. "Or is he too cowardly to show himself, Prometheus?"

Prometheus stepped out of the shadows. It seemed like eternal torture hadn't done him much good. Scars littered his face and he had a harsh look in his eyes. He was wearing a tuxedo even though it was like a million degrees. "My master is much more preoccupied," he hissed. "Do you really think he cares whether you live or die?"

"So why keep us here?" Jason demanded. "Why not just kill us?" He could feel Daniel glaring at him, trying to see if he was actually as stupid as he looked.

Prometheus grinned eerily. "An old friend would like to speak with you." He turned. "Atticus?"

Oh great.

Atticus came into view and Jason found a renewed sense of energy. Even before he approached, Jason spat at him. His expression was cold unlike his trigger-happy counterpart. Jason couldn't help but think this was the same person who had nearly killed Clara.

"This is a trap," Daniel's expression was tight. Controlled. "Isn't it?"

Jason didn't get it. They were already here – what further damage could be done? But as always, Daniel was several steps ahead of him, seeing something that he couldn't.

Though Atticus seemed to get what he was referring to. Even though he was younger than Daniel, their minds were on par. It was hard to believe at one point they had been co-centurions. "I'm surprised it took you this long to figure it out."

Daniel shrugged, or tried to. "Wishful thinking, perhaps."

A trap...Jason wracked his brain to figure out what they were talking about. Suddenly, it clicked. Jason was a rule-follower now, but god he hated Atticus. "Do you really think she's still going to join you?"

Prometheus stepped on the chain; Jason hissed as they dug into his wrists, but he wasn't done. This was Daria they were talking about, and the rest of his friends. No one touched his friends.

"I know it's hard to fathom." Atticus tilted his head. "But I feel like you underestimate our relationship."

Jason felt white-hot anger course through him. He wanted to spit and curse him to the Underworld. He wanted to tell him that Daria was his, and she would cut off her right foot before she joined Atticus. But there was no room for distractions in war. He kept his mood in check, yanking his head away from them in a quiet defiance.

reflection ● jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now