Naturally, everything goes wrong

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"I hope you don't mind," Daphne said, turning off the engine. "I need to pick up something from my store. It shouldn't take more than a few moments, and you can wait in the car if you want."

They were parked in an alleyway, secluded from everything but a small storefront. It read Daphne's something. Daria couldn't really make out the second word.

Daria glanced at Nathan, who blearily woke up from his nap on Clara's shoulder. "The car is fine."

They watched Daphne unlocked the storefront, disappearing inside opaque doors. Daria stretched; it had been a long car ride, and also one of the only car rides Daria had been on. She couldn't help but admire the blur of buildings as they drove, though the height of the freeway had been absolutely terrifying.

Clara was the one who led the conversation for the most part, and Nathan had fallen asleep. Daria resigned to stare out the window as Jason snapped at her for digging her knees into his seat.

"Where are we?" Nathan muttered. Then he blinked, remembering that he was their human compass. "Nevermind."

"So much for making sure we were headed in the right direction," Daria shot at him.

"You could have woken him up," Jason pointed out sarcastically. "If you were so worried about it."

Clara shrugged. "I just thought we were reading those big signs on the freeway."

"You can read those?"

Jason raised his eyebrows at Daria. "You can't?"

To Daria, the words were blurry and made her head hurt, but she wasn't going to say that to Jason. He would either make fun of her for it or be overprotective if they had to fight. "I'm dyslexic."

Jason didn't look like he believed her. "Not that dyslexic."

She was about to respond, sparking an argument that would have Clara and Nathan complaining about a headache for the rest of the day, but something was off. "Do you guys smell-?"

Jason's face went slack. "Gasoline." Nathan had already yanked the door open, pulling Clara in tow. Daria scrambled out of the car only to see smoke rising from under the hood.

"Cover!" Jason yelled. Daria grabbed his arm as they hid behind the dumpsters; Nathan and Clara several feet away on the main road, behind a wall.

Daria covered her ears as the car made a series of popping noises, bursting into flames. The orange color reflected in Jason's panicked eyes. She had a sudden flashback to their last quest. But things were different now. Daria had to be a leader, and leaders didn't panic.

"Nathan, Clara!" She yelled. "Are you guys okay?"

"Fine!" Clara called back. "But I think we should go into the store for shelter."

"I could create some rain," Jason suggested. "I've been practicing since, since last time."

Daria squeezed his hand. "Do it. I'm going to scout inside." She stood, treading carefully around the flames as Jason protested.

"Daria," he groaned, attempting to follow her. Daria knew he was torn between letting her venture by herself or abandoning their friends. Then again, Daria didn't really need his permission to do anything.

"Stay here," she said, slinking against the brick wall. "Put out the flames, and then come find me."

Jason grimaced, meeting her gaze. Flames still coated the blueness of his eyes. "Is that an order?"

Daria didn't want it to be. She just wanted Jason to do what she asked him to with minimal arguing. But if this was the only way he'd listen to her, then sure, she'd pull rank.

reflection ● jason graceWhere stories live. Discover now