Dojo Lessons

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Xaori went up the stairs as he checked and it was now 4:30pm. He walked into his room quickly. After taking off the black outfit he just fought his mother in he threw on some black pants and one of his signature purple hoodies. He was about to walk out of his room, but Kaizō was standing right there blocking his door. He now stood there not saying a word

    Xaori rolled his eyes and let out a sigh as he finally looked up and acknowledged him with a brash, "What?" as he looked for an answer.

     "I was gonna ring your neck, brat. But, I've decided to just tell you don't use that fighting style again. I don't wanna hear any of your bullshit explanations, just don't.", Kaizō looked at him with furrowed brows.

    "Mmph, who are you to tell me how to fight Dustball.", Xaori looked him up and down in scrutiny.

"I'm your big brother you little jackass! One day you're gonna fight without thinking of the consequences and it's gonna come back to bite you. What if our mother had of died? You clearly saw the horrified look on her face and still didn't stop. Lefay is seven. She didn't need to see th-", Kaizō was stopped by the look on Xaori's face and the words that followed the expression .

     Xaori looked at him with eyes that lacked light. Not the light of life, but the light of innocence that one only loses after extreme loss or witnessing true horrors akin to the bloodiest of murders. His glare could cut through a deity and was accompanied by a furrowed brow, a deep scowl and a sinister tone,

"Don't tell me what she shouldn't see! You think just because you get good grades, you have a few after school activities, and your the "Golden Child" of the family that you know everything. Well Shut up. You failed your job of looking after me, so you don't know enough to tell me what the kid that I protect, the kid who fights impressively well for her age, the kid who I trained since she was four and the kid that you've barely been there for since she was two should see. Get out of my way. We're done talking, Kaizō.", Xaori closed his eyes, put his hands in his pockets, and walked pass Kaizō down the stairs.

Kaizō let out a sigh and slouched against the wall.
'Damn, I wish we could go back to the old days. Before, I joined ... back when I had time to spend with my family.'



   A young dusty haired kid hopped the backyard fence and ran into the woods behind the Denker's house. A speedy void haired child was coming in hot on his trail.

    "Hahahaha, catch me if you can XaXa!", a 10 year old Kaizō yelled while stopping at a tree after sprinting through the forest.

     "What do you mean if I can?" A voice from above him said.

    Kaizō looked up to see his Seven year old little brother hanging upside down on the branches above them. Kaizō took off running throwing some sticks at Xaori. Xaori dodged them all then started throwing sticks at Kaizō. Kaizō almost got hit but then turned and redirected the incoming sticks with a stick he picked up off the ground. Kaizo threw another stick but his brother kicked it up and side kicked it back towards him. Kaizō got hit in the back of the head and fell with a red knot on his head.

      "Hey, that's not fair! you have better skills than me.", Kaizo pouted while running.

      "Don't hate the player ,hate your aim. And wait a minute didn't you throw the first stick, dustball?", Xaori looked at him funny.

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