The new friend

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Jin is the one on the right and washi is the one on the left


       Jin and Xaori walked into the building and made their way through the crowds in the hallway they went to the second floor and met up with Washi and Verona.

    Washi was a thin guy. His hair was blonde, glowed like the sun and hung a bit off his head. He was a little wider than both Jin and Xaori, and he had nice round stone gray eyes. He was about 5"7 in height and usually always had some type of bandage on from an injury (usually self inflicted). "Hey Jin, Xaori!", Washi exclaimed loudly. Nobody batted an eye at this. Washi's over zealous actions occur so frequently it has become a normal occurrence.

   "Took you two long enough.", Verona said playfully. Verona was Jin's girlfriend and she was Xaori's Bestfriend. She was shorter than Washi by an inch, standing at 5"6, had long black hair that reached her back, she was a little darker than Xaori and had nice pinkish eyes that could sooth the soul.

      "Yeah yeah, shut the fuck up Verona. I was late cause my family decided to forget about me.", Xaori said grinning while pushing her slightly.

      "Mmm, sure buddy tell me that when you don't have an older brother, two younger brothers, a younger sister and two parents to wake you up.", Verona said with a smile while punching Xaori's shoulder.

      Jin walked over and gave Verona a kiss now setting his arm around her. Xaori turned to washi to say what was on his mind.

     "So Washi, you ready for our spar later?", Xaori asked in a cool tone.

     "You know me man, i'm up for sparing anytime.", Washi said a bit lower than his first greeting with a bright smile.

       Xaori was about to keep the conversation going, but a loud thud rang out in the hallway that caused the group to turn their head. The source of the noise was none other than Bruce Violio holding a kid who most know as just Ed against a locker. The group turned and it just so happens that everyone else in the hallway were now staring at the scene unfolding.

      "Hey Ed, I think you're special. Only a dumbass could be as weak and as stupid as you. At least have one good thing about yourself.", a giant smile on Bruce's face the whole time he was talking.

      "I didn't even do anything you waste of air. Maybe if you watch where the fuck you're going you wouldn't have fell.", was the sentence that came out of Ed's mouth immediately after the insult. His face was in a scowl.

    "You should really watch it spEd.", Bruce said throwing 3 punches. One hit Ed in the face while the other two in his side. A cough came out of Ed. it looked like the wind was knocked out of him.

    Ed was not any taller than washi and always wore baggy clothes and a skullcap. His hair was brown and spiked off his head messily and his eyes were a shade of black just a little lighter than Jin's.
While Bruce was 6"2 and had shoulders that would make a line backer run, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes.

    "Someone should probably do something about that.", Jin said out loud to nobody in particular while putting his hands in his pocket.

       Washi's fist was clenched and a scowl was on his usually bright face.

       "I'm about to stop him.", by this end of the sentence Washi's face darkened.

      Xaori was in deep thought, 'Oh brother, on one hand I could let Washi stop him. He'll definitely win there's no doubt about it, but he'll also not be at top form while fighting me later and they'll be no humbling cause he'll hesitate to humiliate him. I think I need to humble you, Bruce Violio." and with that last thought he put a hand on Washi and said "Chill out, I got it.", Xaori's hands were in his pockets and he walked over to the scene people getting out of his way with the wonder of how bad the scene was about to get.

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