Meet the Denkers

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"Everybody, we're home! Im glad to be back.", shouted Lefay as she bounced off the walls.

"Well come on in and get settled, although you Xaori. You're in for it now, boy! Follow me.", Franklin Denker, their father, smiled at them then ended with a serious look walking into the kitchen.

"He'll probably talk to you about the same thing I was going to ,so I'll let my actions speak louder than my words.", was a sentence that came from their mom ,Naomi,. It started in a carefree way and ended with her just having a small smile. All while not looking up from the tv or moving from couch.

'Damn, see what helping people gets you Xaxa.', Xaori thought to himself while saying, " Yes ma'am"
walking to the kitchen to speak to his father.

On the island in the middle of the kitchen was Frank with his arms resting on the top.

He was a broad shouldered man with a full trimmed beard and mustache, hair long down a bit lighter than his son in front of him ,and deep blue eyes that rivaled the color of the night sky. He was usually wearing a black overcoat, a tie and khaki pants with black combat boots making him look like a strange detective or in his sons words "A buff emo version of Sherlock Holmes".

"So boy, before you come up with some Bullshit excuse as to what reason you had for fighting,", at this point Frank looks around to make sure his wife isn't listening, "Did you win?", he asked with a grin.

"I should have expected this from you.", Xaori said with a deadpan expression.

His father had always been layed back. He could be stern if he needed to, but he would always prefer the route with less friction and while he could be intimidating he never wanted his family to see him like that.

"I'll take that as a yes. So why did you attack this boy and I only say attack because that's what your principal said happened.", Frank said getting a little serious.

Xaori went to the fridge and grabbed a drink.
Cracking it open and saying, "Simple. Someone thought they were tough so I showed them they were not." before taking a sip.

    "That doesn't answer my question, brat. What happened?", His father asked with a hint of annoyance.

    "When someone bleeds out to a shark, they should expect to get bitten." Xaori's calm reply came out.

    "Stop trying to be so cool and cryptic brat! Tell me what actually happened.", Frank said with a tick mark thinking 'Che, is this how I was as a teenager.' while grumbling.

   "Alright, you know that kid who I told you about Bruce?", Xaori asked.

   "You mean Bruce Violio, as in Mace Violio's son?", Frank asked in shock.

   "Yeah, that's the one. He was bullying this kid and it was pretty obvious the guy didn't wanna fight back so I saved him the trouble. For his dad being ,so called, The Ultimate Fighter his son is pretty weak.", Xaori smoothly let out taking another sip.

   At this Frank's expression grew serious and he snatched the drink from Xaori and put it away in less than a second.

  "Xaori I know you requested private study with your Martial training ,so we don't really know how well you fight, But no matter how well and good of a prodigy or a monster you are beating Mace isn't even a possibility for you.", Frank finished while taking a look at his son.

  Xaori stared at him with a mix of blankness and respect. His face said that he felt he could fight Mace, but his eyes held respect for his father's words and he believed that he wasn't lying.

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