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Hello readers!

  I have put together a series of chapters for the holiday season. Each one is a spinoff of my ErrInk books. They will NOT contain any spoilers of their main stories but they will have the basic info of their respective book. For example, in "Chemically Created For You" Error is artificial intelligence and in "Love Doesn't Age" there is an age gap between Ink and Error.

  I am aiming for each chapter to have anywhere between 1000-2000 words since they do represent books, so they will much longer than my normal chapter length. This collection of chapters is like "Short Stories" where there are shorter stories that are put together in a collection. The order will be oldest book to newest. The order is listed below.

- Chemically Created for You
- Video Game Lovers
- Mafia Love
- Parallel Love
- Speechless
- Love Doesn't Age
- Right Outside My Window
- Family Memories
- Short Stories (Includes A Pair of Wings)

  Please keep in mind when reading that some chapters might be disappointing when compared to other chapters. This is because the relationships established at this time are wildly different than others. I will try my best to even make those chapters as festive as possible since it is the time to be joyful.

  Some chapters will also not have as much love as I would want since the chapters will be written using the current relationship strength between Error and Ink. For example, Error and Ink have a strong bond in LDA but Error and Ink in Parallel Love have a small/weak bond since they just met.

However certain books will not included such as Woken Up to See You, Circling Love, The Samurai and the Water Dragon, and The Savior of a God. This is because there were too many reasons that contributed to my lack of motivation and these certain ones had become too demanding.

  I have an idea that I think it kinda cool. This collection could be temporary, being unpublished (not deleted) right after the holidays end and the new year begins. This could allow me to edit certain chapters for the next holidays and add new chapters for possible future books. The chapters would evolve along with the strength of the bond between Ink and Error.

This book will remain published for roughly two weeks after January 1, the English New Years.

  OH! What if I make this type of collection for each major holiday. That be pretty ambitious for my writing skills but that's a pretty cool idea, I think.

  Anyway, thank you for reading this introduction. And now... enjoy the show!

Holiday Specials (ErrInk)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang