Events after another (1)

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Third pov:

When Law heard that he was moving schools he felt nothing in particular. Since he never felt any attachment to his old school there was nothing to worry about. Plus his childhood friends would surely follow him to his new school even if he didn't ask them too.

So rather he won't be so lonely. Only thing that bothered him was how last minute it was. "Corazon!! You do know that school starts in a few days and you know decide to tell me this?" Law says irritated. "Haha.. So you see.. I forgot to tell you-"


"I know you're my dad but I wont hesitate to do that again you got me!" Law yells furious. "But c'mon Lawww.. you love me don't you? So why so harsh?" Corazon says. Treating him like he was still in elementary. 

Corazon then realizing that Law was getting his fist ready backs off. Apologizing to him repeatedly. "What's done is done I can't do anything else I guess." Law says sighing.

"Will you at least tell me what school I'm going to?" Law asks. "Well actually even I'm surprised you got there! It's called New World high school. And although it's mostly for the rich, if you're smart enough you can get in anyway! " Corazon says. "But that's never happened before so haha.." 

Law was also surprised at first but calmed down quickly. Until a few seconds later he realized something. "Hey what you just said-"

"Yeah, sorry Law. But your friends won't be able to go to the same school as you this year." Corazon says. Not even a second later Law goes onto his phone and goes into group chat to tell everyone about the big news.

As Law types and get's reply's back Corazon just sits there feeling bad. "Sorry kiddo but it had to be this way. My new job is paying me well but unfortunately it was far away from where we lived." As Corazon says this Law can't help but reason with him. 

They haven't been in good conditions. Seeing how his father has lots of bills to pay off and debts. Plus whenever he wanted to he could just meet up with his friends during the weekends. So it shouldn't be a big deal, Right?

Law puts his phone down. And then begins to speak. "I can't blame you, we haven't lived a decent life when it comes to money. So there is no need to apologize-"

"Awww look at my kid being so nice to me all of a sudden." Corazon says while hugging Law. Although Law hates hugs the only one he can actually stand or handle is a hug from his dear old father. "Alright. You can stop now. And by the way.. I'm not a kid anymore!" Law yells irritated again. "Oops sorry I forgot!" Corazon says while laughing.

"Hey, but maybe in this new school you might get a girlfriend! You've been in the same friend group for years so a change could be good!" Corazon says while patting the back of Law's back. "Dad, I'm not going to school for a high school romance. My sole reason is to survive without any drama. Especially without any intimate relationship." Law says sighing. 

Corazon has always wanted for Law to get a girlfriend so that she could take good care of his son. But there seems to not have a slim of hope for Corazon. Law has never even gotten a crush! How weird is that? 

"You're so boring kid! C'mon get some girls man." Corazon says sighing. "Just give it up dad it's never happening." 

"Who will take care of you if I dieeee." Corazon whines. "Myself obviously." Law says rolling his eyes. "I'm going to my room now. You're just dragging it at this point." Law says while going back to his room taking his phone. Corazon finally giving up goes back to his TV. Watching some reality shows.

The next day~

"Awh look at you in this uniform you look adorable!" Corazon says yelling. Nearly everyone in the shop hearing him. "Dad! Shut up! This is too embarrassing. Even for you." Law says regretting ever coming there. "No how about you shut up. I'm the one paying for you clothes anyway so be grateful brat!" Corazon says while gritting his teeth. "Ugh.. I'm gonna go back to the changing room-"

"Wait I have one more uniform I want you to try. If you agree to wear it.. Then we can go home right after." Corazon says while grinning. Normally Law wouldn't take up on the offer. But seeing as how they'll probably stay shopping for another 7 hours this is the best thing for him right now.

"Fine what is it." Law rolling his eyes doesn't think much of it. "Oh it's nothinggg. Nothing at all." Law is getting way too suspicious seeing how Corazon is acting. Was agreeing really a good idea?



"BAHAHA THERE'S NO WAY- IT FITS YOU SO WELL!" Corazon says laughing his ass off.

Law fully opening the curtains, reveals a pink and white dress with ribbons almost at every spot. A bit poofy but still manageable. As to why Corazon made him wear it. It's a bit for revenge but mostly for the shits and giggles.

"Dude. There is no fucking way. Why the hell would you make me wear this." Law says with his face and ears fully red. Red from anger and embarrassment. "Did you really think that I would let you slide that easily? You nearly killed me with those beatings from yesterday. So this is what you get. Plus I'm your father you can't do that!" Corazon says nearly driven to tears. "W-well that was your fault!"

"Whatever you can go back and change. I'll be waiting for you!" Corazon laughs another time before fully leaving the store. People all around the shop staring at them and only them. Law hates attention. So without another thought Law goes back into his changing room and 10 seconds later is back to his normal outfit. 

As he goes back to his dads car he sees Corazon almost leaving him. "Hey, what the hell!? Stay right were you are!" Law bewildered can't believe that he was almost forgotten and stranded. As Corazon finally stops Law slams opens the door. "Where you trying to leave me stranded!?"

"Forgot about you sorry." Corazon says while scratching the back of his head. "One day you'll pay for all of this. So watch out." Law says sitting down. Looking at the window. Corazon laughs while starting the engine and making his way back home. "You get mad too easily. Learn how to cool off kiddo- wait. I FORGOT TO PAY."


"I had the your uniform clothes on my hand but forgot pay for them... But nobody noticed or is gonna notice so we'll be fineeee."

"I swear to god Corazon if the cops pull up to our house you're so gonna get it."

"Actually. They just pulled up right now."

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