Murder at the Sea shore

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A Man covered in blood walks towards Hospital and screams "Doctor! Emergency!" repeatedly but no one responds.

After the 3rd time, he screams very loudly and gets scared after listening a loud noise. Then he decides to go into the hospital, there was no one, he stops for a second and starts to wander around the hospital hoping there would be someone.

Heavy winds start, doors and windows of the hospital keeps slamming. As there was no one at the hospital, the man decides to lock the doors and windows to minimize any damage they may take but mainly he wanted to cut their noise first. So he went to close the doors. When, he tried closing a window, Suddenly a thunder strikes and it starts to rain heavily. So he goes back into the hospital to shelter himself from the rain.

It gets late, but the rain won't stop and the man was stuck in the hospital. He was worried about his family getting worried (which sounds weird, but here we go) . He didn't have a phone on him, he was not able to contact anyone. He was feeling scared as he is now alone and stuck. So he decides to roam around the hospital( lol, who does that, if you are scared just sit at a place or run away man. What a weird guy) then he finds that there was some noise coming from the floors above him. So he went there( this guy is truly an idiot, if u r scared plus there is a noise y do u care going there, anyways this is what he did so don't mind me and continue reading) and found a cat (it has nothing to do with the story please continue reading) and thought who put it here (what kind of question is this? Am I supposed to say little Tommy thin, this is stupid) and ignores its existence and finds himself a bread packet which is not expired and feels happy to find it and eats it with jam on his shirt. Yeah it was jam I forgot to mention earlier, even I realized it was jam at this point. (you may think how do I know all this if he was alone, don't worry u will know for sure) after eating he fell unconscious.

He was just sleeping and woke up later (yes I assume a lot of things) and the sky is now clear. and went out of the hospital and saw an old man who came to the hospital and asked him why are u here?. the old man replied "I think I should've asked you that, since this hospital was closed 3 months ago" then he asked him why are you here, he replied I bought this land and planning to build a supermarket here. (this guy just keeps talking with everyone he meets and it gets even weird, but please continue reading) He remembered his family and start marching towards his house. But the old man stops him and asks you didn't answer why u were here?

Our man replies "Yeah, I forgot there was someone at the seashore lying unconscious but I didn't have energy to bring them on my own, as the hospital is near I thought I'd come here and find an ambulance to help them, but heavy rain started and I was unable to get out of here". The Old man asks " Oh, so is it their blood on your shirt?" He replies "No it's fruit jam, my son spilled it on me this morning" Old man replied "Fine" and let him go.

He started walking back to his home and on his way he meets his wife who is with a policeman they were searching for him. He starts to laugh and says "you were worried because I didn't came home for one day ?  Ha-Ha" wife replies "Huh, 1 day we were looking for since 2 months, now don't talk to me, go away, I was so worried". He thought she was pranking him and said "OK leave it, let's go home, I'm hungry" then they went home and he ate a lot and when he looked his phone he was in shock realizing his wife didn't lie and thought how he slept that long and what has actually happened during that time. (But I didn't know how he survived that long without food) He asked his wife about the unconscious person at the sea shore 2 months ago. She said she didn't remember anything related to this and suggested to take care about himself rather than thinking about others. He is a man who always wants to help others, what his wife said just went over his head. (Don't worry you will know how I know this soon) He then looked up any news related to the sea shore incident on his phone and nothing came up. He still didn't leave it and went to the sea shore where he thought the incident took place.

He found nothing there and he asked the people there if they saw someone or anything strange at that place, while he was busy questioning everyone there a police officer comes to him and asks him what is happening and why is he questioning everyone there. When police officer asks for his name, he replies "My name is Pratik, I'm actually here to look for someone who I think is missing".  Police man replies "Oh, did you mean something ? we found your ring  one month back, it had the name "Pratik" on it, since no one came it is still in the police station". (woah, nice trap no one falls for it) Pratik looks at his hand and realizes he has lost his ring and goes to police station with the police.(Uff, come on man don't be greedy) The policeman shows Pratik the ring, then Pratik replies it definitely looks like mine but something is different about it (ok, it was not a trap nice) and takes the ring back but doesn't wear it and just keeps it in his pocket. (why?) Then we meet and I ask him my most burning question "Why you didn't wear that ring if it was yours?" . Pratik replied " this ring is actually not mine, it's my wife's ring, it is one of the engagement rings and even I lost mine." the police officer replied "oh, ok we will contact you if someone gets it to the station, and asked him what his wife's name is, Pratik replied "don't worry about it I think I know where I lost the ring". Policeman replied "fine" and asked him to sign some papers for claiming the lost ring which he did and then we both left the station.

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