He stands tense, losing all cockiness and confidence to him. "I don't know what you're talking about, Black."

"It seems that he didn't beat you over winter break. Let me guess... too drunk, too distracted, or incapacitated." He stood silent, staring down at me with narrowed eyes full of anger. "Which one is it, Nott?"

He takes a ragged breath, standing taller. "Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about."

I lower my wand, tucking it in my robes. "Bullshit." I look at the tree, debating on really opening up to Theodore Nott of all others. "Winter break... He was always too drunk during that time of the year for me. It still happened, just not as badly. I could handle those beatings. The bruises were gone in two, or three days maybe. I could pretend like it never even happened. I could pretend I had a perfect family. That I had an actual father." I shrug and meet his eyes. "We may hate each other, but I understand."

This seemed to spark him back to life. With fast steps, he gets close, less than an inch away. "Understand? You don't know bloody shite of my life." His voice is low and menacing. "You have it better. Like all stupid little Gryffindors do." His voice spits out the words like vermin that leave a bad taste in your mouth.

"Yes, I do have it better now, but for twelve years I didn't."

"And that makes us connected somehow?"

"That doesn't make us mierda (shit), Nott. I just understand, alright?" He scoffs, backing up, and curling his fists. "The nights you'd cry yourself to sleep, wanting to kill yourself just to finally stop feeling pain, but never actually being able to go through with it out of fear of what would happen to those he didn't beat around you. The wishing, hoping, praying that somebody would come and take you away, but no one ever did. Feeling worthless and thinking that nothing you do will ever be good enough because it never will, not to them. Nothing you do will ever satisfy them enough because to them you're disposable, usable, a punching bag for when they need it. A servant to push, bully, and abuse in any way they want." He stares at the floor. "Theodore. I understand." He sniffles, looking anywhere but at me.

"Yet your life turned out for the better. You get a family that wants you. A home to go to."

"When I was little all I ever wanted was for someone to take me away." I take a deep breath. "If you ever want to leave that place and have a life where you do get to choose... you know where to find me."

I walk away, breathless and with tears in my eyes. I don't know why, but crying feels like the best option when the heart is too full of emotions. When my heart is too filled with emotions.

There are so many Slytherins that could be amazing and less hateful if only their families raised them with some kind of love or kindness. I was lucky enough to have had Mamá Gloria. She kept love in my life as much as she could, and taught me how to deal with anger. Taught me to always help others. I'll never forget the days when she'd take the beatings so I could rest my bruised body.

"Scars. Is everything alright?"

I look up through wet lashes. I sniff and inhale deeply, trying to mask my tears. "Yeah, everything is perfectly fine."

"Did you forget who you're talking to? You realize I can feel your strongest emotions?"

"Can we not talk about it now? Because if we do I'll cry y ya no tengo ganas de llorar. (... and I don't feel like crying anymore)"

"Bueno, basta, me doy por rendido, llorona. (Ok, enough, I give up, crybaby.)"

"Bruto. (Stupid.)" I sigh. "Where are you going?"

The One For Me ~ Fred Weasley FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now