"Whatever sentence I get, I'll serve it and everything will go back to normal, okay?" Maggie explained.

"O-okay." Yoo-mi spoke in an uneasy tone.

"I love you, okay?" Maggie spoke.

"I love you too." Yoo-mi replied as Maggie hung up.

Maggie sighed as she sat on the bed.

"Damn..." Maggie mumbled out.

Yn's POV

"Why don't you go home for today?" Dong Wook asked. "Don't worry about working right now."

I sniffled as I got up and walked out the room, only to see Joo-ryung right there.

"H-hey Yn, how are you feeling?" Joo-ryung asked nervously.

"Like shit." Depression replied.

"I'm...fine Joo-ryung." I spoke in a low tone. "I'm just going home for today."

"Okay." Joo-ryung replied as she noticed the now dried up jizz stain on my sweater dress.

"Um, you got a little something on your sw-"

"P-please don't remind me." I interrupted in a cracked voice as fresh tears began to form.

Joo-ryung face went from concern to angry.

"What did he do to you!?" Joo-ryung yelled as she was about to storm into the office.

I stopped her.

"It wasn't him." I defended as my voice began to crack more.

Joo-ryung looked at me with a sadden look.

"Printer room, now." Joo-ryung ordered as she grabbed my hand and led me to the printing room.

At this point, the printer room is like a secret room.

Wanna get out of working? Go to the printing room.

Wanna go for a smoke? Printing room usually have the best ventilation.

Wanna bump uglies in there? Well, Joo-ryung or Sung-tae will tell you.

Joo-ryung gave me time to calm down and dry my tears then I finally told her what happened.

"And that's why I was late." I finished.

Joo-ryung's sadden look reverted back into an angry look.

"That fucking sick bastard." Joo-ryung muttered. "Did you tell Dong Wook? Or the police?" She asked.

"No..." I croaked out. "I didn't want Dong Wook to worry and it's not like the police will find this guy out of a million other guys in the world." I explained.

"Doesn't matter!" Joo-ryung exclaimed as she grabbed me by the shoulders. "No man, or anybody, should be doing that to anyone else!" Joo-ryung pointed out.

"I...I...thought it was because of this sweater dress." I sobbed out.

"Clothes don't give consent to anything! Do you think that man wouldn't have done what he did even if you just glanced at him?" Joo-ryung asked. 

"She does make a point; creeps go after victims no matter what they did." Common Sense stated as they pushed their glasses back into place.

"Tell Dong Wook, he'll understand." Joo-ryung advised me.

I want to...but...I feel like I can't.

"You shouldn't have worn that damn outfit! It's your fault that boy forced his lips onto yours!" My grandma scolded at a 17 year old me as I continued to cry.

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