Injured and Twins?

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"Girls I'm gonna go check on Scarlett and Lizzie, I'll be back." Florence said, leaving her trailer. Florence saw Scarlett walking around with Lizzie behind her, making sure she was okay.
"Hey, Lizzie, is she okay?" Florence asked, as she got closer.

"Yeah, she's supposed to be taking it easy, but you know how stubborn she is." Lizzie said. Florence nodded.

"Luna was asking when they could see you two, I think they both miss you." Florence said, walking towards her trailer. As she got closer she heard the muffled crying of two girls.

"Lizzie come here!" Florence shouted, as she entered her trailer. Luna and Rose were both crying their heart's out and calling for Lizzie and Scarlett. Lizzie ran over to the trailer and was instantly greeted by the sound of two girls crying and calling out for her. Lizzie entered the trailer and picked both girls up and rocked them around trying to console them. Rose was first to calm down and wrapped her arms around Lizzie, hiding her face in the crook of Lizzie's neck. Luna on the other hand was a little harder to calm down, Lizzie rubbed her back the best she could with one hand, with no prevail. Lizzie sat Rose on the couch and rocked Luna while rubbing her back in hopes to calm her down. When nothing Lizzie attempts calms Luna, Lizzie looks for Rose who was playing on the floor.

"Rosebud, can you go get mommy from her trailer please?" Lizzie asked. Rose nodded and ran off to Scarlett's trailer rather quickly. Rose opened the door to Scarlett's trailer, scaring Scarlett.

"Mommy, mama wants you." Rose said, as she climbed on Scarlett's lap.

"Do you know where she and Luna are?" Scarlett asked.

"Yeah in Flo's trailer." Rose said.

"Okay lets go." Scarlett said, picking Rose up and heading towards Florence's trailer. Scarlett opened the door and was greeted with the sound of whining, and heavy breathing. Scarlett rushed over to Lizzie and was shocked to see Lizzie heavily breathing while Luna was whining on the floor playing with her shoes.
"Lizzie, baby you need to calm down." Scarlett said, in a calm tone hoping not to startle Lizzie but ultimately failing as Lizzie jumped. Lizzie looked up at Scarlett with tears in her eyes and panic written across her face along with a sense of fear and worry. Scarlett wrapped her arms around Lizzie and rocked her as carefully and slowly as she could in order to help calm Lizzie down. Scarlett carefully picked Luna up and placed her on the couch next to Lizzie in hopes her presence would help Lizzie calm down. Lizzie wrapped her arms around Luna and brought her close. Luna leaned into Lizzie taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down. Once Luna calmed down enough to speak, Lizzie and Scarlett both started talking causing Luna to become overwhelmed.

"Rose." Luna called out. Rose came over to Luna and picked her up, taking her from Lizzie.

"Mommy, mama, one of you needs to stop speaking." Rose said, nicely.

"Why?" Lizzie asked.

"Luna is overwhelmed, she can't understand you both when you're both talking." Rose explained. Lizzie nodded in understanding whereas Scarlett was still confused.

"How do you know she is overwhelmed? She looks fine to me." Scarlett said, confused.

"Mommy, she looked over at me and called me, with tears in her eyes. I could just tell." Rose said, calmly placing Luna on the couch. Scarlett sat next to Luna and placed her on her lap.

"I'm so sorry that we caused you to become overwhelmed." Scarlett said, sincerely. Luna looked over at Lizzie who nodded as well. Luna hugged Scarlett before climbing off her lap and climbing on Lizzie's hugging her. Lizzie hugged Luna back and whispered in her ear.

"Do you want to go home?" Lizzie whispered.

"Yea, go home." Luna said, slightly above a whisper, causing Scarlett to look over.

"What are we doing?" Scarlett asked.

"We are heading home, do you want to get Rose ready?" Lizzie asked, standing up with Luna.

"Yeah, babe I'll get Rose, do you have Luna?" Scarlett asked, receiving a nod from Lizzie as she helped Luna put her shoes on. Rose ran to grab Luna's and her own jacket off the coat rack. Rose gave Luna her jacket before grabbing her shoes and putting them on, having Scarlett help tie her sneakers. Lizzie picked Luna up and brought her out to the car while Scarlett locked up the trailers with Rose. Lizzie had just buckled Luna into the car when out of nowhere she was hit in the back causing her to crumble to the ground in pain. Scarlett came rushing out when she saw Lizzie fall with Rose on her tail.

"Rose, can you check on Luna?" Scarlett asked, as they got closer to the car. Rose nodded and got in the car on the opposite side, quickly seeing Luna crying in her car seat and looking out the window.

"Luna, bubby.' Rose said, quietly trying to gain Luna's attention. Luna looked at Rose and reached out for her, only to be restrained by the buckle on the car seat. Rose unbuckled Luna and helped her out the car seat bringing her and holding her close trying to console her.

"Hey, Luna, you're okay. Mama is okay." Rose said, rocking Luna back and forth. Luna laid her head on Rose's chest listening to her steady heartbeat. Luna calmed down after about 5 minutes. Scarlett was sitting on the ground with Lizzie's head in her lap waiting for her to wake up. Rose carefully exited the car with Luna close and sat by Scarlett on the ground.

"Hey baby, is Luna okay?" Scarlett asked, kissing both the girls on the head.

"Yeah mommy, she's okay. But she was crying and looking out the window, I think she saw what happened to mama." Rose said, leaning on her mom.

"Luna hon, did you see what happened to Lizzie?" Scarlett asked, calmly. Luna nodded and hid her face in Rose's shirt as tears filled her blue eyes.

"Sweetheart, do you think you could tell me what happened?" Scarlett asked, picking Luna up from Rose.

"Someone, came nowhere. Hit Wizzie in back. She fall down." Luna said, in section as tears flooded down her cheeks staining them red. Scarlett laid Luna's head on her shoulder and wiped away her tears as they came. Lizzie stirred in Scarlett's lap before sitting up against Scarlett.

"Hey baby, are you okay?" Scarlett asked, helping Lizzie sit up against the car.

"Yeah, I'm good, my back hurts a bit but is Luna okay. I know she saw what happened, seeing as I just closed her door." Lizzie said, quietly.

"Luna is okay. I had Rose help her while I sat out here with you." Scarlett said, brushing Lizzie's hair out of her face. Lizzie nodded while sitting up against the car, Rose opened the door to the front seat and grabbed Scarlett's phone to play on.

"Mommy, can I play on your phone?" Rose asked, standing in front of Scarlett.
"Yeah honey, you can but we'll be leaving soon. Could you help Luna into the car?" Scarlett asked, standing Luna up. Rose helped Luna walk over to her door and helped her into her carseat. Luna buckled herself while Rose headed over to the door she needed and got in the car. Scarlett helped Lizzie off the ground before assisting her into the car before backing out of the car-park and headed in the direction of their home. Scarlett made a pit stop at Chick-Fil-A and ordered Lizzie and herself a chicken sandwich meal while she ordered the girls chicken nugget meal. Scarlett paid for the food and continued her drive home. When they pulled into the driveway they saw a car that Lizzie and Rose recognized instantly.

"Mama, the twins are here!" Rose exclaimed, excitedly unbuckling herself as quickly as she could when they parked. Scarlett got out the door and ran to the door with Rose while Lizzie got Luna out of the car. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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