Foster Dad

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"Hey Scar, how's Luna?" He asked instantly.

"She is okay, just a small cut, so you won't need to watch Rose. We were told she could come home with us as normal." Scarlett said.

"Okay Scar I'll send her your way now, you're still at Lizzie's trailer right?" Seb asked.

"Yeah talk to you later Seb." Scarlett said, hanging up and heading back over to where Lizzie and Luna are waiting. Scarlett wrapped her arms around Lizzie kissing her cheek, before leaning over and kissing Luna's head. Luna squirmed in Lizzie's arms and was eventually put down on the floor, Rose came running towards Luna immediately embracing her into a hug and picking her up walking over to Lizzie and Scarlett. Scarlett picked Rose and Luna up pulling them both into a tight hug.

"Hi babies." Scarlett said, kissing the girls' heads. 

"Hi mommy." Rose said.

"Hi S'arlett." Luna said, resting her head on Rose's shoulder. Rose kissed Luna's head before speaking again.

"Mama, when are we going home?" Rose asked.

"In a minute baby, I just have to get our bag." Lizzie said, as she ran over to the trailer grabbing her bag and running back.

"Ready to go babies?" Lizzie asked. The girls nodded their heads and cuddled into Scarlett. Lizzie took Rose from Scarlett and carried her back to the car while Scarlett followed behind with Luna. They all got in the car and drove back to the house but before heading home they stopped at McDonalds and got some food. Scarlett finished driving them home and smiled when Rose and Luna were sleeping in the backseat of the car. Lizzie grabbed Luna while Scarlett grabbed Rose and unlocked the front door, taking their shoes off. Scarlett and Lizzie sat on the couch with the girls and turned on a movie before falling asleep with the girls. Rose was the first of the four to wake from her nap and got off Scarlett's lap and headed upstairs to her room and grabbed her toys bringing them back downstairs so when Luna woke up they could play together. Luna was woken up by Rose dropping toys on the floor, she climbed off Lizzie's lap and followed the noise to the dining room where Rose was sitting on the floor playing with her dolls.

"I pway wif you?" Luna asked.

"Yeah come sit down with me." Rose said, patting the spot next to her before giving Luna a doll to play with. Rose and Luna continued to play with the toys until they heard footsteps, they quickly put the toys away and ran into the kitchen hiding in a basket of dirty clothes by the laundry room doorway. Rose helped Luna stay quiet until they heard yelling coming from the living room and it didn't sound like Lizzie or Scarlett in fact it sounded like Luna's foster dad.

"Rose I need go, 'oster dad." Luna whispered, Rose shook her head and held her in place until they heard the police sirens coming closer to the house. The police came in and arrested Luna's foster dad on many accounts, Lizzie and Scarlett ran in the kitchen and saw the pile of dirty clothes shaking and pushed them out the way picking the girls up and holding them close. Luna started crying into Lizzie's shoulder scared and confused.

"Luna what's wrong?" Scarlett asked, hearing the small cries.

"Mommy she said she had to go, she didn't want you guys getting hurt, she said it was her foster dad and she was scared." Rose said, as she was put back down. Scarlett nodded and picked Rose back up, placing her on the island and getting her food out the microwave while Lizzie calmed Luna down.

"Do you want a hug from Rosie maybe?" Lizzie asked. Luna nodded against Lizzie's shoulder. Lizzie brought Luna over to Rose and placed her on Rose's lap allowing her to give Rose a hug. Rose hugged Luna back and rubbed her back while Lizzie and Scarlett got the girls' food figured out.

"So scary Rose." Luna whispered into Rose's ear.

"I know but look we are okay mama and mommy are okay too. We are not letting anything happen to you ever." Rose said. Luna looked up at Rose and smiled before climbing next to her on the island as the parents placed the food on the island next to them.

Thank you mommy." Rose said.

"T'ank you Wizzie." Luna said. Luna started eating her chicken nuggets while Rose started eating her french fries, Scarlett grabbed hers and Lizzie's food and sat down next to her at the table before speaking.

"Liz, when are we fully adopting Luna?" Scarlett asked.

"We go next week to sign the certificate, so next week she will be fully ours." Lizzie said. Scarlett nodded and started eating her food when she heard Rose calling for her.

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