We followed him into the gym where he walked through the court and exited. Amerie did not know what to do. She didn't want to make things harder, she didn't want to fuck up like she did at the Slay Ball. I noticed Spider going to the bleachers, talking to Dusty.

"He's such a pussy." He said, mimicking Malakai in such a rude way. It made my blood boiled. I couldn't stand it anymore. Always persecuting Malakai, talking shit about me, about all of us. For once, Spider had to taste his own medicine. For once, he should be the one to go down, not Malakai.

So I walked to the microphone. The feedback ringing and getting everyone's attention from Malakai to me.

"Hey Spider!"

His face went rigid like it always do when he's uncomfortable or angry. It was the first time I had talked to him since that threesome rumor.

"I just wanted, um, to take a minute to make things clear between us. All of us." I sighed, while the rest of the team entered the gym. "I'm really sorry that no one wants to fuck you that you have to go around and spread rumors about having a threesome. How desperately sad your sex life must be."

Everyone gasped and laughed at him.

"And I'm sorry that your masculinity feel so threatened by every women in this school, you just have to be a fucking cunt. Is it because your dick is tiny? Are you that insecure?"

His face went red. I never saw him that mad and embarrassed. Good for me. I noticed Mrs. Woodsy trying to reach me, trying to stop me.

"That's enough Justine." She angrily whispered.

"Are you scared no one is gonna want you because you can't get it up? Or because everyone KNOWS that Ant is bigger than you. I guess what I'm really trying to say..." I started walking away from Mrs.Woodsy with the microphone. I won't let her stop me before I had finished.

"Is fuck you! And in the spirit of cleaning up trash, you can forget about your threesome fantasy you dickless fuck. Because nobody wants you."

Everyone in the bleachers started cheering. I've never felt so proud. Mrs.Woodsy ripped me off of the microphone. She put her hands on my shoulders and walked me out to her office, I supposed. This burden, this negative and toxic environment that Spider was adding to this school was now over or at least composed for now. I felt free. From the moment he played me, I wished I could have had the nerve to tell him his truths. Well I guess, I just did that. While I passed Darren and Amerie, their jaws dropped.

"I take it back. I love this school." Darren said to me, proud of what I had just done. Amerie stayed silent, she was still shook and didn't fully understood what had happened.

I looked at Spider and blew him a kiss. He just stood there, arms crossed. I could see his chest rapidly lifting. Oh, he was more than furious.

The morning after, my mother and I met up with Mrs.Woodsy in her office.

"You already know this Mrs.Jones but all of our students on the Respectful Relationships Program made an oath to the school that there would be no second chances when it came to disreputable behavior."

"But Justine is not an official member of the program. She is part of the class only because I asked her to. She's a good girl." My mother replied, taking my defense. I stayed silent and kept my head down. After a night of retrospective thoughts about yesterday's events, I had find myself dumb of the way I acted. Of the way I had handled things. It was careless and selfish.

"After Justine's very public outburst at the City of Sydney Interschool Basketball Semifinals, I am considering suspending her."

"Wait what about Spider? He's the one that started that rumor." I finally exclaimed.

"Yet you are the one that disrespected and tarnished the name of our school."

"I can't be suspended."

"Well, again, you should have thought about that before you made a mockery of our school. I also got an anonymous tip that you were the creator of a second map."

"What are you the police? Who gives you anonymous tip?"

"Justine." My mother said, trying to calm me down. "Listen, my daughter has been going through a lot lately. I got divorced from her father and I forced her to move in with me. It's hard enough being the new girl-"

"Well it's hard for every new students but I don't see them disrupting classes or after school activities now." Mrs.Woodsy firmly stated.

"Justine has been a great help with the program. She has done everything I asked for and students are feeling more and more comfortable around me. Around us." My mother pleaded my case. "With suspending her, the program could fail." She exaggerated a bit but if that made me stay in school then she could say I was the fucking queen for all I care.

"I guess year 11 is hard for everyone. So SLT classes will now be mandatory for you too. Don't forget that if you fail, it will goes on your transcript. And I will keep investigating about that new map. Final warning, Justine. Are we clear?"

"Yes, Miss."

My mother smiled and shook hands with Mrs.Woodsy. They let me out of the office and closed the door behind me. They continued talking about the SLTs program and my future in this school. I wondered if my mother would get in trouble because of my actions. I hoped not. Now, that the easy part was done, it was time to face the whole school after that big empowerment speech.

Can't. Fucking. Wait.

Before The Bell Rings - Spencer WhiteWhere stories live. Discover now