It was nothing as such.

There were people he knew and people knew him who were all the same—werewolves. It was out of world, a fiction as far as I could take my mind to but at the same time, it wasn't.

It was all real.

"You didn't tell me how you two met?" Gabriella questioned out of the blue.

She had began to terrify me. At one point, while she was raging over Rafael, I saw her fingers curl into claws and her teeth turn into sharpened canines. It was then King informed me that werewolves could turn anytime they'd wish and they didn't have to turn entirely.

It made a little sense as I had seen my fingernails turn into claws at several occasions.

"Umm..." King was silent. I stared at him, meeting with his confused gaze. He was uncertain on how to reply to his cousin. "We—we met at a party, it was a welcoming party Harden had thrown when I returned."

"Oh, that's surely a boring way to meet." She sipped on her drink.

I scoffed and shook my head as none of that was true. We met in the cemetery where he had bitten me.

Only if she knew...

I wondered why King wanted to hide the fact that it was his bite that changed me. Why couldn't he tell his own cousin? It wasn't like he had done anything bad except for turn me into a werewolf.

I was too drunk to think about it anymore.

"Can we pretty please dance?" I asked him, my eyes full of need and my lips pressed into a pout.

"Of course."

We finally freed ourselves from Gabriella and Rafael, leaving them both alone to kill each other. My hips swayed as adrenaline pumped into my veins. The alcohol took a greater affect on me.

King placed his hands over my waist and as the music changed, we slow danced with one and another. His fingers ran circles while his lips formed a mischievous smile as he continued looking at me with his eyes dilated.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," He shook his head. "I just thought you'd be more wilder."

I threw my head back and chuckled, "No," My cheeks flushed into a deeper red and I grasped onto his shoulders harder. "No, not at all. I'm pretty calm when I'm drunk."

"That's good." He placed his hand underneath my hair, closing to my neck before he pulled me into his embrace.

We swayed slowly while I rested my head on his shoulder and remembered the evening he had asked me to dance with him. It was also the first time we ever met, intentionally.

My neck stretched and my mouth remained a few inches from his ear before I whispered shyly, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

He curled his fingers around my hair and chuckled, "Of course."

An hour later, we left the club and got on the jet to go back to Frostford as the twenty four hours had passed by. They were the quickest twenty four hours of my life. It almost seemed like a minute had only passed by since I got inside the jet with King and departed from the town.

I didn't want to part ways—not now.

Maybe I was too drunk.

"Are you going to leave me alone once we land? Will you run away from me?" I questioned, my head over his lap and his fingers tracing over my hair.

He lowered his eyes and gave his head a shake, "No. I will not, pup." His thumb brushed across my flat forehead as he continued, "I'm not running away or leaving you."

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