It was crazy how many villagers were roaming the rural pathways. Rae couldn't even see that many houses. However, it was empty where Leon was currently. A bit too empty, if you asked her. And upcoming there was a large wide area with gates on all the exits. Even though they were all open except one, it was still suspicious.

     "Hold on. This looks strange...Give me a moment." Rae stopped where she was standing, using her binoculars to check on Leon to see his progress. Then, she saw something shocking. The doors had all closed, trapping Leon inside what was now evident as an arena.

      Rae looked closer, then frowned in shock at what she saw. "I gotta go."

      Jayden quickly advised, "Stay sharp."



"Whoa! God damn, you're a big boy." Leon piped as the giant took a step out of its previous cage. Leon figured that this must have been the monster that the cult sent to prevent him from reaching the church, now that he had the key.

     He lifted his pistol and didn't hesitate to begin firing at the monster's head, receiving headshots after headshots. But none of it fazed the monster, as it took small steps towards the man, small steps because it was huge and would be able to reach him with three big ones, but thankfully didn't.

     Leon watched the monster grow closer and closer, continuing to shoot at it. Once the monster got too close for comfort, he went to move out of the way when he was snatched and brought into the air, trapped in the giant's fist.

     He wiggled, but the grip was strong. Tight enough to make Leon grunt out in pain, feeling a strong ache from his back. The giant stared at Leon, beginning to tighten its hold when suddenly a bullet hit the giant in the face, causing it to jerk to the side.

The monster looked to its left, where the rocky mountains that surrounded the arena were. At what, Leon wasn't sure, but he did know that with the distraction he was able to free his hand and grab his knife, stabbing the creature with it.

     With that, he was free and released onto the ground. He hastily rushed away as the giant was shot once more from the top of the mountains. Now that he was free, he gave a quick glance at them, but found nothing. Leon decided to stop getting distracted, after all it was helping him and there were bigger fish to fry than a mystery helper. Literal in the bigger sense.

     Leon continued to shoot at the giant's face, drawing its attention back to him. Suddenly it let out a roar and a strange worm thing burst out of its back, a pale color to contrast with the giant's muddy skin. A weak spot.

     Instantly, Leon saw the mystery helper's bullets begin to aim for that instead of the giant's face and did the same seeing as it appeared to hurt the monster more than being shot in the face.

     The creature fell to the ground in pain, laying on its stomach in a momentarily paralyzed pose. Leon didn't hesitate to climb on top of it, slashing at the white matter. Only halting once, the giant began to move once more, and stood up. Luckily, he got off before he got too high.

     Hearing a wolf's howl, Leon turned up and spotted the same white wolf he had helped earlier climbing down the rocks, making its way into the arena. "Hey, it's that dog." He acknowledged.

     Then him, the wolf, and the strange helper began to all attack the giant. It only changed when the giant staggered back and hit the wall that the mystery helper was perched upon.

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