Chapter Twenty Four - Torment

Start from the beginning

She's dressed in her full costume, with black and white striped tights, black shorts and a tank top for underneath the unbuttoned knee length lab coat. 

"The buttons are hard to do up," she complains, a small pout on her lips.

I smile lightly, then kneel down and wave her over to me. "Thats okay, nothing wrong with a little bit of help," I tell her. 

Hallie has a very determined mindset, which is amazing, and I love her for her determination and the way she really sticks to something. Though she has a tendency to think she has to do everything by herself, whether it be simple or difficult tasks, she forgets that she can ask for help. 

I have to remind her. 

"I know," she mumbles as she fluffs up her frizzed grey and black wig. It looks so crazy, but she tried it on at the store and I almost died of laughter. But I guess thats kind of the point of a mad scientist. 

"Okie dokie, lets get this wig on," I say and Hallie jumps a little in excitement. I remember we walked into the costume store, I lost her for a second than I heard her squeal of joy. I walked around the corner and came face to face with Hallie in the wig, my soul left my body at that moment and Bridie started crying. 

She stopped once she realised it was Hallie and not a crazy person in a bizarre wig.

Hallie stands in front of me, and I prepare the wig then slowly slip it on her head. She grips the edges and adjusts it onto her head to her comfort, while I fluff up the black and white frizzed hair at the top. 

"Oh my goodness," I laugh lightly as I step back and admire her. "You look amazing, babe," I smile and she giggles, smiling widely. 

"Do you wanna see yourself in the mirror?" I ask her, even though its a stupid question - of course she wants to see herself int he mirror. 

I pick her up and lift her so she can fully see herself in the bathroom mirror. She gasps at her appearance and admires her costume and makeup. "I look so good!" she squeals, then turns to hug me. "Thank you, Daphy'," she cuddles into me and I peck her frizzed hair, a few strands tickling my nose.

"You're so very welcome, my darling," I say, and then place her back on the floor. "Bridie, you ready?" I say to her and she nods, her mask sitting on top of her head. 

I add some final touches to Hallie's makeup and fix up Bridie's onesie thats a little twisted around her torso. Her onesie is adorable because of the tale at the very back, she just looks so adorable dressed as a little Blue Heeler. 

I scramble the girls downstairs and into the foyer, ready for Danny and I to take them trick or treating. I tell the girls to hang out in the foyer, while I go find Danny, who's in the kitchen. 

"Danny?" I question. 

He turns once he hears me, but he seems annoyed at something on his phone. "Is everything okay?" I ask him, rounding the island and facing him. 

"Just my mother, she wants to take Bridie and Hallie out to lunch tomorrow as an 'apology' for the other day," He says, shaking his head. 

"What did you say?" 

"I told her yes, but we have to talk first, and my father and her have to apologise properly to Bridie before hand," he says and I nod my head in agreement. 

"Thats good," I nod my head. "The girls are ready, are you all good to go?" I ask, changing the sour topic to a more exciting one. 

He smiles, before the two of us make our way down the hall. "Daddy!" They scream once he walks into the foyer area. 

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