Chapter Twenty Three - Fervent Touches

Start from the beginning

"Ready?" He questions, his eyes giving me an obvious once over. 

I nod. "Yep," 

We fall into a similar step as we head down the front steps and onto the damp curb. The clouds are set in a grey overcast and the tree's drip with water from last nights heavy rain. It practically lulled me to sleep last night. 

"You look good," Danny compliments me, and my cheeks instantly redden. 

I swallow harshly. "Thanks," I smile shyly at him, then open the door to the passenger side of his black Ford Ranger. I forgot he had a truck, I mean obviously he's a contractor he would need a truck for his work. 

The car hums to life and he heads onto the road. The radio plays faintly and a nice calm sets over the two of us. Even though he uses his car for work, it still feels incredibly new. The seats are perfectly clean and plush, along with the car still having that 'new car' smell. 

Danny's hand moves, resting on the hand stick of the car and I can't help but stare creepily at his hands; thick, strong and veiny. His fingers and palms are calloused from the known of past touch, and my mind delves into the thought of what his calloused rough hands would feel like running all over my body. 

Stop, Daphne.

"Daphne?" A deep voice calls my name. "Daphne?" The voice is clearer and I'm shook out of my thoughts when Danny's hand lands on top of my hand. 

"Oh, yes?" I ask. "Sorry, I zoned out," I smile sheepishly.

He chuckles lightly. "All good, we're here though," he says, and I see we're now in an underground parking lot. 

I grab my purse from between my feet and hop out of his truck, meeting his side as he leads me through the grey cement parking lot and to the elevator. 

He clicks on the button, illuminating the number four and we take the ride up to the level, which is the top for this building. 

Loud chatter and background noise fills my ears when the stainless steel elevator doors open, and I come face to face with people walking back and forth, glass meeting rooms and a large open floor plan. 

"Follow me," I do as Danny says and follow him through the busy floor, he gets greeted by different people and I gain looks of confusion and interest, yet they all smile my way anyways. 

"Ay Danny! Finally you're here, old man," A guy I'd say in his late thirties greets Danny and it's obvious this guy is the class clown of the bunch. 

A few other guys stand around a table filled with sketches, floor plans and other material books that splay out covering the wooden table top. "Morning everyone," Danny greets in a plain tone. "This is-"

"Who's the girl," One guy cuts Danny off, and the rest chuckle. 

Danny sighs harshly. "This is Daphne, Daphne this is Mike, Hollis, Cole, Melinda and Dylan," He points to the people around the table, and they either nod their head in greeting or send me a kind smile. Although Mike gives me a nod then a sly wink - definitely a funny guy, but he seems nice. 

"Now, how did the plans go with Northern Builds?" Danny asks the group, referring to a building company that I think specialises in skyscrapers, apartment buildings and work companies. I only know this because Danny talked about the different building companies he co-works with. 

"Andy agreed on it, signed it off this morning. But they want to meet at the sight in a few days to section off the ground floor plans," The only woman in this group, Melinda explains. Although there are many other women around the building, which is nice to see since trade and work jobs like this tend to be heavily male dominated. 

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