Chapter Eighteen - Ground Coffee Beans

Start from the beginning


Danny shakes his head, then gazes over to me. "You leaving now?" he asks and I nod. "Okay, what time will you be back?" he asks, glancing at his watch. 

I look at the time on my phone: 11:44pm. "I'd say 1:30pm, we'll comeback here," I tell him, since he has to leave for work at 2:15pm. His work hours seem so chaotic, but I've navigated my mind around his odd work schedule. 

"Alright," he nods sharply. 

I rush over to the girls and they give me a hug and kiss goodbye, I bid my goodbye to Danny and then leave - he thankfully lets me borrow his car again. Well more forced me to, but whatever. 

The streets of New York are busy as always, but nothing to jam packed - fortunately because I get to the cafe I'm meeting Mary at on time. 

I park - which the universe must be on my side today because I found a park straight away. I mean, hello? How lucky am I? 

Speed walking down the street, I spot Mary straight away, and at the same time she see's me massive gleaming smiles take over our faces as we rush to each other, and engulf each other in a hug. 

Ugh, I've missed her so much. 

"Oh my god, I've missed you Mary," I tell her, pulling back to take in her face. Her hair is big and curly as always and the top half is slicked back into a neat bun on the top of her head. She's dressed in dark denim jeans and a black silk blouse, accentuating her very nice chest area. 

What can I say? My best friend has a great rack - I'm jealous. 

"Shut up, I know you're about to go down the 'you should move back' speech," Mary stares at me, both hands firmly on her hips. 

Damn, she caught me. 

I scoff. "I have no idea what you're talking about, I just wanted to say how much I've missed my sister," I tell, but I look away to hide my smirk. 

"Mhm," she hums sassily and I snort. We both walk inside the cafe, we order and take a seat in one of the tables - facing each other. 

Shortly after, a guy brings out our coffees and with the obvious bite of Mary's li,  I know she wants to ask me something. My father. 

"Daph-" she begins, but I cut her off.

"I know you're going to ask about my dad and I promise, I'm fine," I tell her firmly, but she frowns. 

"You know the 'i'm fine' crap doesn't work on me, and I'll continue to ask until you give me an actual answer," she grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly. 

I sigh. "I don't know, it's weird. My life is the same, theres no change 'cause he wasn't in my life. But something just feels lost, like- gosh, I can't explain it," I admit. 

"Like you've lost something that could've been?" she asks and I nod. 

"Exactly. It's the knowing that he wanted to catch up with me and he saw me on the train. I mean we could've had a friendship maybe, but nows it's all gone," I tell her, and she looks at me with to much sympathy one person should have for someone. 

"At least you know he changed, you know? Like, now you have an image that he became a good man again, he got his life together," she smiles softly and I nod. 

"Yeah," I say. "But enough of my dreary shit. Catch me up on you, how's work? Life?" I pester her.

She groans. "Work is shit as usual, but ya know," she shrugs and I nod, knowing exactly what she means.

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