"Maybe, but you are always going to be the one thing at the very top of my list of priorities. Like I said at the very beginning, ensuring that you are safe and healthy is the most important responsibility we have as your guardians, everything else comes second."

"I still think you are all overreacting." I sigh quietly, leaning back against the pillow while stifling a yawn. Who knew that sitting around doing nothing could be so exhausting?

"I'd much rather over react and there be nothing wrong than to not react at all and watch you become seriously ill if something is out of the ordinary." He retorts with a grim smile, not willing to back down on this topic. Mamma bear Nathan has well and truly crawled out of his cave right now, and let me tell you it is not fun.

My lips seal themselves into a flat line at his words as I struggle to find a coherent response. Deep down I know that what he is saying is true, and I know that his actions are coming from a good place, but I just can't justify the extent of his reaction.

"I know you think this is over the top, but vomiting blood isn't normal Kenzie. It scared the hell out of us when Mitch found you barely conscious in the bathroom this morning, and as much as you hate all the fuss and attention, I'm not going to stop worrying until the doctor comes back and explains your test results." Nathan sighs quietly, running a hand through his messy brown hair which I am assuming he didn't get a chance to brush down this morning before all the chaos ensued.

Again, I am at a loss for anything useful to say in reply so I settle for picking at the edge of the medical tape on the back of my hand where the skin is starting to become red and irritated. My stomach knots with the familiar stirrings of guilt knowing that I caused everybody so much unnecessary anxiety, but apparently there is nothing further I can do to convince them that I am not critically ill. It seems only the doctor can do that now.

"It just sucks." I mutter quietly, knowing that this is something that we can both agree on.

"I know hon, and hopefully the doctor won't be too much longer, but for now why don't you just lean back and try to close your eyes for a little bit." Nathan suggests, rather unhelpfully if I might add, before averting his attention back to his phone.

I refrain myself from rolling my eyes at him, knowing that my crappy attitude isn't going to help the situation at all, but nevertheless lean back further against the raised bed. I'm far from comfortable, and there is no way that I am even going to attempt trying to sleep, but I get the feeling this is about as exciting as my afternoon is going to get until the doctor returns with my test results.

That thought lasts for about thirty seconds before I am swiftly proven wrong when a slight commotion at the entrance to my room draws both Nathan and I out of respective miseries.

"Dr Miller. Chelsea said you weren't going to be here until later." Nathan stands in surprise before making his way closer to the doorway where our surprise visitor stands, notepad and file in hand.

"I had a few last minute cancellations at the office and thought it might be a good idea to come here sooner rather than later." Dr Miller explains with his signature warm smile before reaching out to share a hand shake with the younger man in the room.

My face drops into a confused frown at their exchange as this is the first I am hearing of this. I'm not supposed to see Dr Miller again until tomorrow and I'm not sure that I am ready for this impromptu counselling session that is about to take place.

"Right, well in that case I'm going to go for a walk and see if I can find myself some coffee and make a few phone calls. I'll be back later." Nathan nods in Dr Miller's direction, before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him, ultimately leaving me alone with my unexpected visitor.

All Four Of MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz