The three looked at you while you watched Bloodgood with wide eyes.

Bloodgood: As many of you know, I have waited years to ring the emergency bell! It’s been one of my lifelong dreams to have an emergency so big that it actually warranted the bell. And I am proud to say that today I do. Now if I could only remember what it was…. Bat flu? Mutant insect invasion? Pumpkin-head mold virus? Or perhaps I just wanted to say hello. Oh yes, that must have been it. Hello, monsters! Thank you all for coming!

As Headmistress Bloodgood waved to the audience, Miss Sue Nami barreled onto the stage, ramming into her boss.

Bloodgood: Miss Sue Nami? Are we wrestling?

Miss Sue Nami: Ma’am, we are most certainly not wrestling!

Miss Sue Nami barked before whispering into the headmistress’s ear.

Bloodgood: Oh yes! What a relief it is to have my thoughts back! Thank you.

Watching Miss Sue Nami remind Headmistress Bloodgood of what to say greatly calmed Venus’s nerves. It reminded her of her first day at Monster High, back when she thought the school seemed like a healthy place for a plant to grow. Although Venus still wasn’t sure exactly what was happening, there was no denying the presence of a highly threatening epidemic.

But, for you, it was a sight of horror.

Y/N: We need to go.

The ghouls looked at you confused.

Bloodgood: My young monsters, as you know, I absolutely love my job. It is most definitely the best job in the whole world. And perhaps even the most important one. Here at Monster High, we are shaping the future generation through education and preparation.

Rochelle: Is she talking about the SATs?

Bloodgood: I have led you well, or at least I think I have. I can’t quite remember at this exact moment. But if for some reason I haven’t led you well, please keep that information to yourself. Women of my age are no longer interested in constructive criticism. What’s the point? We’re too old. And to that end, I feel that I am now too old to lead you in the manner you require. You need a leader who can help you take your rightful place in the world as the dominant species. No longer fourth on the list after normies, canines, and ferrets. And so I now pass the reins of headmistress to the Flap, effective immediately.

Surrounded by trolls dressed in navy-and-red military uniforms, Miss Flapper strode up the steps to the stage. It was a shocking display of power and confidence. Gone was any semblance of the softness Miss Flapper had previously displayed. In its place was a hardness that bordered on arrogance. Dressed in a severe black dress with a high neckline, a flurry of buttons, and shoulder tassels, the outfit had a distinct military feel to it. Completing the meticulous look of power was a harsh coiffure, her red hair knotted in a tight bun atop her head.

Y/N: This just took the worse possible turn and we need to book it. Now!

You all got up to leave, but Trolls were patrolling the area. You all had to duck down to avoid being seen.

A stern-faced Miss Flapper slowly approached the podium, dramatically drawing out each step.

Miss Flipper: Today we start again. Today we begin to build the new empire. And with that in mind, I hereby abolish all frivolous studies and irrelevant activities like Roller Maze and Fearleading. For as we prepare to take our rightful place in the world, we have no time for distractions or dissension. Anyone who isn’t with us is against us. There is no in-between, not anymore. We are now warriors; no longer will we be marginalized by the normies!

Monster High: A New Start (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now