Just Another Day

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Found a prompt on pinterest and I've already procrastinated writing for long enough
Not edited, sorry.

Inej slammed open the door to Jesper's room and barged in. Neither of the people in the room startled, but they looked up.

"Um, hello?" questioned a very offended Jesper. He was in the middle of polishing his guns for Saints sakes, and people kept invading his space.

Inej, Kaz, Jesper and Wylan were taking a break from Ketterdam at Jesper's suggestion. Usually not a single one of them would listen to what he says, but lately a break sounded amazing, so they packed a bunch of bags and Kaz booked one of the most expensive cruises he could find.

"Kaz Brekker, would you stop hiding from me when you know that I know exactly where you are." Inej announced and spun Kaz in the swivel chair he was sitting on, to face her.

Kaz slowly took a deep breath. "Wraith, I told you I don't want to talk about it."

"You shot the guy- we all know-"


Both Kaz and Inej turn to look at Jesper, eyeing his newly polished guns very suspiciously.

He gave them both another extremely offended look. "What? I didn't do that; you know I'm very careful with my babies."

With that, all three of them got up and ran straight out of their cabin to see what was going on, and only got a small glimpse of a man lying on his back in a pool of his own blood, before they were pushed back by an officer working on the ship.

The officer gave them a not quite reassuring smile while he went to calm down the rest of the passengers. For whatever reason, right before he walked off, he stopped and turned to squint at Kaz's cane, slightly nodding and slowly walked away.

"For the record," Kaz glanced at the dead man. "I didn't shoot HIM."

Panicked conversation kept going around until overhead, the speakers blared to life. The captain waited until the majority of people had fallen silent and then promptly announced:

"The first contestant has fallen, only 5,132 remain."

In perfect synchronization, every single door on the cruise swung open all the way on command.

All of a sudden, the officer that had hardly even walked away, lunges forward and swipes Kaz's cane from his hand. Immediately, both Kaz and Inej are onto him, hands scrambling, fists flying, and after a few seconds the man stumbles away with tears in his eyes, cursing them both, only for Jesper to block his path and shoot him three times in the chest.

Apparently, the rest of the crew that were already in it with the captain were all still a little uncertain, but after watching the scuffle before them, no hesitation remained, and they all attacked the baffled passengers at once. Many people didn't stand a chance, getting multiple injuries straight away, while others with a better sense of instinct either ran to hide or to grab some sort of weapon and fight for their lives. Nobody was quite attacking to kill though, their conscience not really ready for that.

Getting over the shock quickly like professional crows, Kaz and Inej immediately got into a back-to-back fighting stance, making sure nobody got near them, while they backed up, out of view. Nobody was specifically going after them, but they did see what happened to the officer. Jesper took off in a different direction to save his beloved.

Meanwhile, Wylan was having the time of his bloody life, trapped in the corner of a random cabin he'd run into when his painting had gotten interrupted, and now a guy was pointing a butterknife at him in the most threatening way you could possibly do that.

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