Holding Hands (Wesper)

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Bangbang_jes begged for Wesper, so I'm writing that I guess... also she suggested one of the sentences in here as a joke, but it fit.



"Wylan you want to go for a walk?" Jesper called from downstairs of the Van Eck mansion. He knew Wylan would say yes, so he already had a sweater on. 

As he predicted, Wylan came walking down the grand staricase and said "Sure! Just around though, my ankles hurting a little." Jesper also knew that was a lie, Wylan just didn't want to go walking for 3 hours straight like last time.

"Mm, we'll see." Jesper said, walking out the door with Wylan right behind him.

Wylan locked the door, and ran to catch up to Jesper. The breeze was nice, not too cold or hot.

They talked about everyday things, including Jesper teasing Wylan every three seconds.

A lampost was blocking Jesper's way, so he moved to the left a little, accidentally bumping into Wylan. It shouldn't have been as awkward as it was, but it ended up in both of them blushing furiously. Jesper's hand brushed Wylan's and caused him to blush even more.

By now, they both knew they had feelings for each other, but they were both too afraid to express anything, or show any emotion. The most they did was stare into each other eyes, blue boring into grey, and grey melting instantly.

Jesper was always so close to make a move, but he always chickened out. He was going to have to confess sooner or later.

Jesper took a silent deep breath and thought welp, why not.

And slipped his hand into Wylan's, dark hand meeting white finally starting and unbreakable connection.


Wylan let out a small gasp.

He's holding my hand! He's holding my hand! He'sholdingmyhandhe'sholdingmyhand!!!

Jesper heard his gasp, and grinned and Wylan. Wylan's heart melted right then and there, Jesper's smile was always something he liked to see, with white teeth next to dark skin, and his dark skin so nice and smooth.

Wylan didn't let go and held on tighter, holding the hand he always wanted to hold.

They walked a little further down the Ketterdam streets, and sat down on a bench.

Wylan sat in silence, while Jesper hummed a little, both of them afraid to say something to disturb the peaceful, romantic feeling that was going on.


Jesper decided to hum a bit to clear his head. Holding Wylan's hand had made his mind all jumbled up, and his thoughts were all mixed up, usually shifting back to Wylan and the cute way he kept blushing and looking straight ahead, while squeezing Jesper's hand. 

Jesper and Wylan's hands fit like a puzzle together, both of their long fingers wrapping around the other's palm and hand perfectly.

Jesper stopped humming for a brief second. I really should tell him I love him. Fuck he already knows that. Should I hug him? Or maybe just look at him? Why isn't he looking at me? Fuck he's the most beautiful thing I've ever layed my eyeballs on. He sighed. I think I might hug him or maybe-

Wylan turned his head to look at Jesper and said, "Jes I-" but he got cut off.

Before Jesper could change his mind, he pressed his lips softly against Wylan's.

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