Love Is Complicated (Kanej)

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If you've read any of my other stories, my title names are either numbers, or FREAKING THREE WORD NAMES. LITERALLY EVERY TITLE NAME I COME UP WITH IS THREE WORDS. WHY

Kaz leaned on the back of his chair, his bad leg resting on a stool. He left his cane by the doorway.

He was so tired after meeting Inej's parents and explaining what happened to Inej all these years. Explaining how she had become part of the Barrel, part of a group of thieves.

The entire time he wished he could've told them how much he loved her.

His spider.

His Wraith.

Kaz really loved her, but he had no clue how to express it, the emotion was so new to him. He didn't even know if Inej liked him back, and he couldn't ask either.

The Kaz everybody in Ketterdam knew, the heartless, dangerous, bloodthirsty boy, was in love.

Nobody would believe him.

Heck they would probably gasp if he even said the word "love".

He sighed, standing up and stretching, then walked to his room to go to bed...


Inej sighed as she lay on her bed, wide awake and thinking.

Her parents were sleeping in one of the hotels for the night, and they figure out the future in the morning.

She went back to thinking.

About Kaz Brekker.

She didn't know what to feel about him anymore. Whenever she thought about him, her thoughts always went back to the feel of his lips on her skin.

Inej shook her head to herself. She didn't even know if Kaz liked her anymore. And how was she supposed to know if she knew for sure that Kaz had once feeling for her? He could've just gotten sentimental and told her to stay with him. But Kaz Brekker didn't get sentimental, she reminded herself.

She mentally smacked herself and turned around, falling asleep.

Thinking about Kaz.

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