Brianna friends (2)

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Age : 16
Magical species : paladin, and specialist
Magical talent : dark and light magic, weapons, and combat, potions
Manson was the youngest son of his father and didn't have the best relationship and was mostly in the shadows of his brothers, who were seen as the perfect sons. Mason own mother was not in his life after he was born she had went leaving her family. That day mason was taken care by nannies and maids and rarely show his father and brothers, and when he did see them they won't speak to him or look at him.  When he asked about his mother he would get no answers from anyone and it seemed like his mother was topic to avoid when it came to his father and brothers, and it seemed like mason he reminded everyone of the former lady of the house due to his magical talent level. Mason hated it when other made fun of him and he would fights back with combat or his words, he did his best to fight with others and hated being treated like scum. He just wanted to be care and love by his father and brothers when he was older but that all ended when he become older, and his father hated his mood and tone of voice. The nannies and maids were the only ones who spoke about his mother with him and he had learned he got most of his magic from her, and she was nice lady but they didn't know why she left without saving goodbye. He had gotten his talent of potion making his mother side even due his siblings had the same gift none of them use it seeing it was dark and useless magic. He had been sent away to nevermore academy in hopes that he will become a better person and give on these foolish dreams but he was welcome for his potion making and show a career in potion as well.

Age : 16
Magical species : paladin, and specaisit
Magical talent : dark and light magic, weapons, and combat, shadow magic
Either ezra parents were there for him and he was mostly raised by his grandmother his parents had acted like ezra was not their child, but favorite his other siblings and cousins. The most of his family saw him as something evil because of his shadow magic. There was someone in his family that had shadow magic like him but that person had went away many years ago, and Ezra had become the black sheep of his family. His grandmother had helped his master his gift over the years and didn't see him as monster like his parents and everyone else thought, she shadow magic was not bad like everyone thought, it was not like a paladin to have that much on connection to dark magic like Ezra.  He was not like the other paladin in his family became his wings were a dark color, but all the paladins at school had wings that match there magic elements color. Nevermore had become his new home when his parents didn't want their reputation ruined anymore by their so called monster son. That night ezra had said goodbye to his grandmother one last time and he will later found out she had dead, but she had left him a major family secret only he could use and not one else. Soon Ezra had become cold toward others and didn't like speaking with his mother and father he treated them like strangers, his friends had become his family and the only ones he wanted in his family. He was going to take the family secret and start a new life away from his parents and siblings, his magic had become powerful over the years that he was able to master other things using shadows. Erza dose one a scar on his chin that Mae him look evil by other who didn't know his nice and loving side like his friends and classesmates, but he was not the only paladin with a scar that had a story to it.

Age : 16
Magical species : paladin, and specialist
Magical talent : dark and light magic, weapons, and combat, creatures
Jack magic talent was never supposed to come to him at a young age but he was able to tame the while of creatures that were feared on his planet, and when his family show the talent and everyone else that saw him as nothing and hated his powers. He was always trying to keep peace between the creatures and humans but no one would listen and call him a freak. There were times when jack tried to bond with his older siblings about his gifts, and they will call him freak and tell him to go away. One day that had done something completely stupid and had a griffin attack on crib of their baby cousins, framing jack in the end and said he was trying to hurt the baby out of jealousy. When jack tried to example his story and say he was innocent no one believed him and something happened that horrible day given him a scare on his eye that made him look more like to everyone. That night he was sent to nevermore Academy under the order of the elders of the family, saying the school will make him into a real hero and not a monster, for the safety for everyone else. He tried to apologize to his baby cousin but got pushed away by his aunt calling him pure evil, and that she wished he will never come home ever in his life and that his family will be better off without him. That what he had granted everyone his family and his planet he never came home but he did lead the creatures of the planet somewhere new. He never sent word home and said quit that what everyone wanted right he was gone for good because jack never did come home, that he soon become a memory to everyone who knew him and myth to younger kids. It seemed like the younger kids like him more then the older generation and wanted to meet him and learn about dragons and all these other creates. Faye and Brianna had given him and makeover that goes well with the scar on his eye and made him into one of the many handsome paladins at school his whole, squad were on the list of many girls of school who thought they were handsome and many other stuff.

If anyone asked Brianna friends any question about their friendship and lives they had to all thank Brianna she was their major fan in the end, and stuck with them no matter what, she was always there to listen to their problem and issues. She even did it for kids who were not that close to her always cheering on her friends that competition and being the support that had wished for in their lives. They were there for her theyy knew she had deals with alot of stuff from everyone, having more weight and eyes on her and they were always there for her they didn't like her family that much or her old friends. Nevermore Academy had become everyone home and family there they left welcome and loved, and didn't feel the judge of the public or anyone else. when one of them was in trouble they will al come running to help and save their friend no matter what, that was the promised made with all nevermore Academy kids if they didn't have support home they will each other support and love.

Another family members will be introduced into the book soon and it will be interesting, to see them trying to rebuild their damaged relationships with their kids and the consequences of their bad parenting skills and habits.

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