Chapter 12

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Brianna doing some flying practice in one of the school many practice fields, she was destroying everything that came at her that was a target and getting a perfect score. Her magic had become power over the years, and she learn new ways to use the powers of the sun and moon. She even found a way to use the power of the stars as well and it made her feel good, she had talked with her sisters for s short while but never a long conversation. Things between her and her old life at alfea was still hard and she didn't feel like starting over with everyone so easy just because they, said they were sorry.

Brianna " star dust blasts" brinana had destroyed the last remaining target and soon landed on the ground, she had gained a perfect score of 100 % that made her happy, when she was alfea she didn't know her magic well but since she came here. It seems like she unlocked the magic she had never knew before, she thought she was alone until she heard clapping she soon turned around and saw the headmistress.

Headmistress " you are growing powerful my dear"

Brianna " thank you miss but I fill like I haven't reach another level of fairy magic"

Headmistress " it will come soon my dear you just have to wait, and you have gained star powers that not even your own mother has"

Brianna " yes I know"

Headmistress " I see a crown in your future a one made out of stars and moon"

Brianna " I become a queen that will be a shocker my own people don't like me"

Headmistress " yes the one who love the moon don't like you but the ones who love the moon and stars think, you are amazing"

Brianna " lets hope so"

Mason " there you are bria ready for some flying combat practice, you have to get better at fighting with a sword .... Oh headmistress good day ma'am" soon some more friendly faces had shown up, and were now standing near mason.

Headmistress " good day young man well it seems like you kids will be getting to practice I will leave you all to it, and young man you and your friends are become powerful by the years"

Noah " thank you ma'am"

Headmistress " remember try everything and soon you will become what you all want"

Everyone " thank you ma'am" the Headmistress soon walked away leaving the kids alone to their practice everything was going well, and Brianna was still getting use to fighting with a sword and flying.

Roman " you are getting better that this Brianna and so are the other girls"

Brianna " thank you"

Ezra " so how was your annual tea with your grandmother"

Brianna " it was well I love having tea with her and talking, she seems to be the only one who likes me for myself and believes im innocent"

Noah " we are in the same boat some of us only have aunts, uncles, or grandparents that like us more then our parents which is sad" a few more hours of practice and soon everything ended, Brianna was walking back to her dorm room when she ran into the soloria royal Gaurds.

At alfea

Faith " so we are trying to find our about the rumors about Brianna"

Sophie " yes and this might prove we really care about her and she will forgive us"

Maddie " keep hating us because my brother can't keep his mouth shut"

Addison " yes Ryder needs to learn to hush and he keeps on making everything worst"

Tina " we are bad as well we were not there for her when she was sent away"

Sadie " I just want my sister back I miss her"

Brooke " what makes us think Brianna wants to come back, she seems happy at nevermore"

Sophia " I don't know my grandmother is mad at my mother and father, she won't even look or speak with my grandfather... she talks to us kids but it seems like she ..."

Sadie  " disappointed in us and she has all right we failed being there for our sister and treated her horrible"

Addison " I hope the guys are doing better on finding proof then us"

Red fountain

Hayden " so your grandmother said she will give the crown of the moon to Brianna"

Sean " yes"

Ryder " she young to rule wouldn't to go to one of the others"

Bardy " Ryder you are not helping"

Ryder " sorry"

Travis " if you may know there are small chances that she comes home to all of you, and forgive us all"

Hayden " dude you are not helping"

Nathan " if you will like to know I have heard some of others mentioned some of red fountain boys, were seen talking with your sister and now they are acting off"

Stephan " maybe we should speak with them and see what happens"

Sean " I hope so because past this point if Brianna dose not come home, our family will be broken"

Hayden " that no on her Sean that on you guys and your parents"

Brody " when did you work up the courage to say that"

Hayden " I'm just saying the truth we all stuck and now look where we are now Brianna hates our guts, and might take off and never speak to us again"everyone stood quite knowing if things were not fix it will be bad outcome but, what none of them knew was that trouble was coming back from many years ago. Now the winx will face evil magic that they haven't fraught in long time and it won't be easy this time like it was in the past.

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