Chapter 8

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After getting done with be scolding by the headmistress all the students of nevermore Academy were feeling mad at that themselves but their families, they had told them the rules and their parents couldn't even follow these said rules. Brianna was mad at her family because she told them the rules and they still wouldn't listen to her and got her in trouble as well, she was not I'm communicating with her family at the moment. Even due everyone kept on calling her and sending her texts but she didn't feel like dealing with them at the moment why couldn't they just listen to her and obey the rules.

Brianna " ......"

Headmistress " what happened at the family day was inexcusable everyone"

Students " yes ma'am"

Headmistress " most of the blame is on your families they have sent you here to be perfect, but they can't follow simple rules nobles or royals .... They sent you all here because you were all unperfected and the bad child"

Headmistress " for future times when doing work with the two school of red fountain and alfea, a professor and school guardian will be with any of you all of the time ... we don't need this happening again"

Everyone " yes ma'am"

Headmistress " you are all dismissed now classes are canceled until tomorrow now you are all only to do anything on the school grounds, but you cant leave until tomorrow" everyone soon left the hall and went to where they wished at the moment, but for now Brianna and her friends were hangout out at Brianna and Faye room because it was to cold to be outside and everyone wanted to be somewhere comfortable.

Mason " what your father deal thank me for walking back with you, that what friends are supposed to do anyways"

Brianna " I don't know him and everyone are acting like I'm the so called bad child when I haven't done anything wrong"

Noah "it seems like we can't do anything and I was supposed to go into the city today, and pick up some parts for my robot"

Erza " it will be okay dude"

Daniel " I think it would of been better if our parents mind their own business and left us alone"

Faye " even when your family locked away they still find some way to ruin your life from far away"

Roman " is anyone else family calling them non-stop"

Everyone " yes"

Jack " I just put my phone on mute so when they call I don't hear it"

Brianna " I'm still mad at my family I told them to stay away from the rooms,and they didn't listen to me and then I got in trouble"

Faye " what the deal with your grandfather the former king"

Brianna " you can say grandfather never liked me because I'm not like my mother I don't even look similar to her, and he favors my sisters and brothers more then me"

Roman " okay your family has more issues then us because you are princess and the rest of us, are normal citizens"

Brianna " would it be wrong for me to say that I might want to give up my crown" everyone looked at her as Brianna sat on the couch.

Brianna " even the people of solaria hate me and my family dose nothing about it, I hate being home because reporters are always following after me and taking pictures ..then starting up gossip about me because to everyone else im bad child and horrible princess"

Mason " well we like you and you shouldn't give up your crown so easily, you grandmother treats you right"

Brianna " yes she the only one who seems to listen to me verse everyone else"

Daniel " than run after her and become the new ruler of moon, because your sisters don't have strong powers to moon like you"

Brianna " sure I will love that"

Faye " hey maybe when you become queen of the moon, we can become your council it better then staying around my house and doing nothing"

Brianna " i will need people I trust the most verse some strangers and asking my old friends, is major no"

Daniel " well you are at that tell your brother and your old friends to back off, they kept on giving any guy who said hello to you a dirty look"

Brianna " don't pay attention to my brother or them I don't know why they are acting like that ... when I was sent away they didn't care"

Faye " they only care now because it seems like you will break they tradition of everyone of dating a specialist if you are fairy, and dating a fairy if you are specialist"

Brianna " yes now every female in my family or friend group keep on asking me if I'm dating anyone"

Ezra " don't listen to them they are jealous that you can date anyone without using mom and dad reputation"

Everyone " erza"

Erza " what we know it all true everyone in that school seems to be dating based on family reputation or social circle, it creepy"

Faye " okay I think Brianna is done with us talking about her family, why don't we do something else"

Noah " fine but one more question for Brianna"

Brianna" okay"

Noah " was there something between you and one of you guy friends, like a crush"

Brianna " that crush is old history I don't have those feeling toward said persons, anymore"

Roman " that good you were able to get over it"

Brianna " yes and there is someone else I might like"

Faye " good" there was someone that Brianna use to have a small crush on but when her turned his back on her, that crush had ended. She didn't know what she did wrong but when she had confessed her feelings for the guy he had regret her, because of her bad reputation. After some time she was able to move on from her old crush and she didn't know if she was falling in love with someone new.

That night

Faye " hey do you want me to turn off the living room lights"

Brianna " no I will turn them off once I'm done with my nightly routine" Brianna and Faye were in their shared bathroom getting ready for bed.

Faye " sure good night see you in the morning"

Brianna " night and see you in the morning as well" Faye walked out of the bathroom and soon into her room, Brianna had splashed some water on her face. She was drying her face and don't paying attention because her once normal eyes, had become cat looking eyes with a dark color in them. When she blink her eyes they were back to normal and she didn't notice anything. Brianna soon turned off the lights and went to her room but a weird shadow figure had shown up in the morning.

???? " soon every soon all the fairies will soon become what I want ... under my control then the rest will be for the others"

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