Chapter 11

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Since speaking with her old classmates Brianna wants so badly for this day to end she was not the only one who was thinking at, Brianna had finally showed up for her self defense class when she ran into her older brothers and their friends.

Ryder " wait so girl take this class as well"

Nevermore guy " no she just wearing the armor for fun"

Nevermore guy 2 " wow you guys are not that bright up there, and you all still act like you are the best"

Ryder " I was just asking a questions I never seen a fiery fight like a specialist"

Brianna " enough talking Ryder hasn't you mouth got you in enough trouble"

Ryder " you know what you will always be the bad child of soloria and I don't know why your family tries, they should just walk away you are useless"

Ezra " why you little ..."

Brianna " enough Ezra don't go down to his level ... fine Ryder I challenge you to combat one on one"

Ryder "sure I will go easy on you Brianna but you are going to learn something today"

Noah " this is going to be interesting" soon Brianna and Ryder walked into the ring, and soon more people had come into the room ready to see the fight.

Specialist " yeah Ryder tech her a lesson these nevermore kids should know who is changer"

Specialist 2 " yes you go Ryder"

Brianna " all of you make a me sick"

Ryder " come on princess show everyone you are nothing but a scared chid" a horn was blown and soon Ryder came running at Brianna trying to attack her but she moved out the way quickly, get Ryder off Gaurd and she soon kicked him.

Brianna " aww is liter Ryder see the outcome of his actions ... come on Ryder I know you can fight better so come at me buddy boy" Ryder had tried attacking Brianna again but she was dodge all of his moves and fighting back.

Brianna " looks like I win Ryder so do you yield or no"

Ryder " I yield"

Brianna " good now see here red fountain boys the more you act all egotistical the more you drive away people, with you nasty attitude and it good to learn you are all not the best most of the time"

Hayden " that was amazing she used moved even we don't know"

Jack " yes because we have a teacher who has shown us moves, that you all don't want to learn but need to know"

Brinanna " oh yes Ryder one more thing you got off eats from me and if you want to see me mad keep on calling me names ... who want to go next in the ring" Brianna had walked away ring and soon sat on the bench with the other girls of the class.  Brianna had walked away Noah her siblings want to say something else but knew it was bad timing, when they thought there were in hot water they were lucky verse their mother and father.

At solaria

Stella " so mother why did you call us here"

Bloom " yes thank you for inviting us as well luna"

Flora " this is very lovely"

Luna " thanks you ladies but we need to talk about something important"

Brandon " what about"

Luna " Brianna"

Riven " what about Brianna"

Luna " I think she will be better off with out you guys as her parents" Stella and Brandon looked at luna who had a serious look on her face, as she took a sip of her tea.

Luna " you know what that was being rude ... you see I think you two have failed at being her parents and have completely neglected her"

Brandon " luna I think ..."

Luna " did I give your permission to speak no I didn't so listen ... you and Stella are the awful parents to her and see where that got you know you own daughter dislikes you both and everyone else here"

Tenca " I think that a big rude"

Luna " you know what rude treating a child like they are a Criminal because as I remember you all had gotten in much more trouble, and you were all older then her such a shame"

Stella " mother I don't need a lecture to raise my child'

Luna " oh yes you do young lady because if you don't change it will effect you more then me ... Brianna talks with me and I know more about her then you and your husband"

Brandon " we are doing our best but she won't let us in"

Luna " become she had learn to take care of herself on her own, even her own siblings and their friends treat her horrible great job all of you"

Stella " I have know im a bad mother"

Luna " good job now if you farther can see his a horrible grandfather then you all can win some awards ... im going to be clear here if you don't fix anything soon she will be gone for good"

Brandon " Brianna wont dare leave home she love it her so much"

Luna " she treated horrible here by everyone and she would be better somewhere else away from all of you, and I hear she might be dating one of her little friends .. it seems like she had gotten over one of your friends sons"

Everyone " what"

Luna " I wonder who she will chose to be with it will be fun to see"

Stella " I didn't know"

Luna " that not shocking well  if I were you I will become a better mom or say goodbye to Brianna for good ... you have the others as well and it seems like the feel more bad then you ... well not that Ryder boy"

Riven " Ryder"

Luna " yes it seems like you and musa sons cant keep his mouth shut for the better, I wonder if Brianna had something for him or maybe that Hayden boy we may never know"

Luna " well if you excuse me I most get going and stella once I give up the throne it might go to Brianna she will be best for the moon, so start acting like an adult now or else"

Stella " I all mother"

Luna " the winx club and specialist the saviors of the magic but they can't save a child of their own ..., im disappoint in all of you"

Sky " please can you help Stella and Bradon out"

Luna " here a hint cheek out those nasty rumors about her an see if they are true, and maybe that will hep goodbye you all" soon Luna was gone leaving the adults alone to think on their actions as guilt was eating away at them, they were good at everything else but failed at being their for the youngest child. There were many questions now raising and they need answers to these said questions.

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