Y/N: The new Ghoul you told me about yesterday.

Bloodgood: Oh! I am awfully thrilled that our reputation as the premier monster academy has attracted so many international students. You’ve come from Scaris, have you? However did you get here? I hope not atop the back of your sweet-faced griffin.

Bloodgood pointed to Rochelle’s peppy little pet. You already knew a enough about gargoyles to know that that wouldn't be possible.

Rochelle: Paragraph 11.5 of the Gargoyle Code of Ethics advises against sitting atop furniture, never mind pets! We came via Werewolf Hairlines, a most reliable company; the planes even come equipped with reinforced steel seats for those of us made of stone.

Rochelle looked down at her slim but weighty figure.

Rochelle: Madame, might I bother you for directions to the dormitory?

Bloodgood: Y/N, would you mind showing her to the dormitory?

You nodded. That was what you were here for.

Bloodgood: You are in good hands. Y/N here is the school’s new Deputy of Disaster.

Rochelle looked at you, but you only shrugged. You then smiled and took her bag for her.

Y/N: Really, I'm just a glorified Hall Monitor. Follow me.

Upon entering the hallowed halls of Monster High, Rochelle was instantly overwhelmed with a serious case of homesickness. Everything around her looked and felt terribly unfamiliar. She was used to lush fabric-covered walls, ornate gold-leafed moldings, and enormous crystal chandeliers. But then again her last school, École de Gargouille, was housed in a chateau that was once the residence of the Count of Scaris.

So, as one might expect, Rochelle was rather shocked by Monster High’s modern purple-checkered floors, green walls, and pink coffin-shaped lockers. Not to mention the elaborately carved headstone, just inside the main doors, that reminded students it was against school policy to howl, molt fur, bolt limbs, or wake sleeping bats in the hallways.

Rochelle: Pardonnez-moi, monstieur Y/N, but are there really bats? As I am sure you know, bats can carry a wide variety of illnesses.

Her short gray legs worked overtime to keep up with you. When you noticed, you started to slow down a bit.

Y/N: Monster High employs vaccinated bats as in-house exterminators to eat rogue insects and spiders. With certain members of the student body bringing live insects for lunch, they consider the bats highly regarded members of the janitorial staff.

You then rammed into an open door and, shortly thereafter, a slow-moving zombie. The stunned zombie teetered sluggishly back and forth before collapsing to the ground, eliciting sympathetic whimpers from both Rochelle and Roux.

Y/N: Oh, crap. Sorry, Slo-Mo.

You helped the zombie up with your free hand, surprising Rochelle with your strength. Perhaps you were a vampire, then? She actually didn't know what you were. She very much struggled to place you.

Slo-Mo mumbled a thank you before shuffling off on his own. Rochelle then joined you.

Rochelle: You are very kind.

Y/N: Meh. I knocked him over in the first place.

Rochelle then followed you as you contiued walking, giving her a tour along the way.

Y/N: On your immediate right, we have the Absolutely Deranged Scientist Laboratory, which is not to be confused with the Mad and Deranged Scientist Laboratory, currently under construction in the catacombs.

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