VI | jump the turnstile

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All right, Kai was not fully a pessimist, he could see the positives in any situation. And if there weren't any, he would just make them up. So, there was also an upside to what was happening – when there's a wedding, there's food. A lot of food. Good, delicious food that probably took long to prepare and that got eaten in a matter of minutes. Even when the wedding was supposed to be the next day.

Kai was, needless to say, stuffed after the rehearsal dinner. His questions about why this was necessary were muted by the delicatessen being shoved under his nose. Can't complain now, can he?

Of course, when a glass is half-full, it also has to be half-empty. Half-empty, just like Skylor's replies to anything Kai said. Normally he was great at holding conversations, really. And she, apparently, wasn't bad at it herself, Kai figured as he watched her laugh along with queen Vania.

Kai finished his drink in one go and placed the glass on the table – maybe a little too harshly. Of course he didn't care, why should he? He didn't like Skylor anyway, so why was he so irritated by the mere fact, that she seemed to hate him and only him? At least the dislike was mutual, that was good, no? He didn't care. It didn't matter. At all. Nope. Kai did not care.

"Why is she having such a great time with Vania but whenever I open my mouth, she's ready to end my life right then and there?"

"The question about the puppy is still out there." Kai scoffed, picked back up his glass, then realised it was already empty and placed it back down with a sigh. Cole stared at Kai's tapping fingers before he pushed his own glass towards him.

"All right, but that's your last one, understand?"

"Gee, thanks, mum," replied Kai, his voice dripping with sarcasm, ready to gulp whatever it was down. Cole shook his head as he tried not to pay attention to his adam's apple. He leaned forward, lowering his voice.

"Look, Kai, have you maybe considered that Skylor isn't on board with the whole getting-married-to-you thing? You know? Just like you?"

"That is bullshit," dismissed Kai, his voice rough. Cole raised an eyebrow, ignoring the closeness.

"And why's that?"

"Everybody wants to get married to the lord of fire of course!" Pulling away and groaning, Cole ran a hand over his face.

"Not this thing again. No. No, you don't. I thought this was behind us. You weren't supposed to remember that. Kai, no, do not bring the lord of fire back. No, please. Dear god."

"What a strong reaction, pebble." Kai watched in amusement as Cole's head fell on the table. His body shook as he tried not to laugh. "Come on, look at me." He poked his arm. "Please." From behind an arm, a pair of glistening eyes looked at him. Kai grinned. "Hey, pebble." They were out of sight again.

"God, I hate you."

"What is so wrong with that nickname?" Silence. "Come on, you love it when I call you that." Cole shook his head, still keeping in on the surface of the table they were sitting at. "You missed it, c'mon, admit it." Silence and zero motion. Kai's lips formed into a victorious smile.

Suddenly Cole raised up, fixing his clothes.

"How about I get us some more wine, will that make you hush it?"

Kai was still smiling as he watched Cole walk away. He followed him with his eyes until he heard someone clearing their throat. Turning back, he noticed the spot that was previously occupied by his friend was now occupied by his sister. A smile might suit her better, but her dress looked good anyway. What an addition to the bitter reminders of growth and the passing of time. Jay probably got it for her. Not that he hated that guy, but taking care of Nya was Kai's field of work.

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