V | oh woman oh man

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"So... You name's Skylor, hm? That's... pretty cool." His fingers were tapping rhythmically on the armrest of his chair as he looked around the room, just not his companion. Companion, who was watching him with a sour expression.

"You've never spoken to a woman before, huh?"

"Well, duh, I did," Kai defended himself. "I have my sister." He looked somewhere else again.

"Okay, any woman," said Skylor, "besides your family?"

Kai didn't like the way she stared at him. Looking like he hurt her. Weren't they both victims in this case? Why is she so angry with him? She doesn't even know him! And Kai can be a funny smart guy...

Maybe he would attempt to get to know her. After all, they were about to get married, it would be a smart move. It's just that her cold attitude almost made him actually shiver. She was definitely stabbing him with her mind, Kai was sure of it. If only he could understand what he did wrong.

Quick, what do women like? Attention? Things? He doesn't have any gifts...

Kai stood up abruptly and approached her. He felt ridiculous. Skylor is not a dangerous lion or a wild dragon that needs to be tamed, he shouldn't act like this. Maybe that's the reason for her hostility.

"Say... Skylor... Wanna go out to the gardens? They're... pretty..." he offered. What was he doing? That was his and Cole's spot! Or, the entire kingdom was his and Cole's spot, to be more accurate.

Quick, Kai, smile at the lady for fuck's sake.

Kai grinned awkwardly, but Skylor's face didn't change one bit.

"It's princess Skylor," she corrected.

"Well, it's about to become queen Skylor soon, eh?" he responded with another weird smile. Then Skylor sprung up and headed to the door without him, leaving Kai confused. There was not much of a choice, he had to put himself together and follow her. Exiting the room, he could just see her turning to the right side of the corridor. He cleared his throat.

"That's– That's the wrong side, um..."

"What?" She turned to him and Kai almost covered in fear. How embarrassing. A lady makes shivers run down his spine and not the pleasant ones! What a shame.

"That's– The gardens are to the left, you know? I just... I don't think we should bother the big guys, you know?"

That's too many 'you know's, Kai! He could almost hear his sister... She would not be happy with how he's doing right now.

Skylor flashed a quick fake smile before saying, "Sure," and walking in the direction Kai told her to.

The walk seemed endless. It was torture, absolute torture. Kai wouldn't be surprised if this was Acronix and Crux's big plan. He wouldn't be surprised to find out they were planning something like this since the day he was born. This could only take years of thinking. No one could come up with such brilliant punishment in a few minutes, Kai was sure of it.

Or maybe he was overthinking. Again.

Would they really want to torture him like this?

Yes. Yes, they would do anything to hurt him.

He didn't even had the guts to sigh out loud. One thing was for sure, his hands were clammy, his mind was reeling, and their footsteps were so far the only sound between them. Damn the empty halls that make every step sound like a giant's.

He tried to spark a conversation, but with princess Skylor it seemed like an impossible task. With Cole, Kai could talk so freely. Cole didn't give him hard stares and one-word answers. Cole asked and added his own thoughts and made jokes and teased him and made every second worthwhile.

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