Chapter Eight

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"I wish to live in the village with Tessa. To be her husband, father to her children. I want a life with her." Stuart told his mother as she sat on her throne. He left Tessa as the light of the morning started to brighten the sky. With the promise to return, he kissed her lips and took his leave.

Now, taking a knee in front of his mother, he made his one wish that she granted him at his birth. His head was bowed, fearing what she would say. He had no idea she had just arrived back to the castle, mere moments before him. How the night before she spent in Louis's arms and bed. She had refreshed herself quickly because Queen Mab knew what her son will asked of her. She knew one day it would happen.

Stuart, himself had stopped by his chambers to clean up and donned on a new pair of clothes before finding his mother. He hated to wash off the scent of their time together.

Queen Mab took a deep breath. She weighted her options. Let him go to the love of his life or lose him complete. The decision was not hard, but it was still painful.

"I grant your wish. You will live as a mortal with Tessa in the village." Queen Mab passed her hand over her son. His ears lost their point, and his cheek were no longer as sharp.

He looked up at his mother with his green eyes. "Thank you, mother." He whispered to her. She nodded and looked away. She would not allow him to see her tears. She listened to him leave the throne room.

He made his way to his chambers. Entering, he eyes fell on his cloak. Touching the feathers, he smiled. He would remain on the ground for the rest of his mortal life and Tessa will be next to him. He stripped out of his formal clothes and donned on something more fitting to his new life. A pair of tan cargo pants, a button-down denim shirt with long sleeves. He laced up a pair of hiking boots that set in his closet unused. They needed to be broken in. In a large duffel bag, he packed the rest of the mortal clothes he had, toiletries, and a memento of his mother. A dark purple, flat crystal with her sigil.

He pulled his hair up in a messing bun as he walked down the hall. The servants had lined up, bowing as he walked past. The large door was open, and Queen Mab stood just on the outside with one of the royal horses, saddled up.

"He will take you to the edge of the woods safely. There is a path that leads straight to the village." Queen Mab said, handling the reins to him. He bent down and kissed her cheek.

"I love you, mother." Stuart said. He hoisted himself up in the saddle.

"I love you, son." Queen Mab said in a soft voice. He smiled at her. That was the first time she ever told him that she loved him. He knew that she meant it. Turning the horse, he rode away. He was going home.


The bell at the top of the door rung, but Tessa did not look up. She was fixing a cup of coffee for herself. Both Tessa and Louis showed up late to open the shop.

"They are home." Tessa said happily as she unlocked the door.

"I know." Louis spoke, a light was in his hazel eyes. Tessa spied what looked like a hickey at the collar of his shirt. Tessa said nothing for Stuart left a few on her too.

It was in the early afternoon, and she was fighting to stay awake. Louis himself drank a pot's worth along with the creamer of gingerbread that Tessa kept on hand. She knew it was his favorite. The shop had a few people lingered about. The guy from the other day was back, Dillon. He was trying to get Tessa to agree to getting dinner later.

"I have plans." She said as she poured the cup for herself. That is when the bell rung. She was sweetened her coffee when the newcomer came to the counter.

"Excuse me, I am looking for something." That voice, she would recognize it anywhere. Looking up, Tessa paused to take in the sight. It was Stuart, but different. His hair was pulled back, but curls had escaped. His ears no longer came to a point. His cheeks were a bit rounder. He was dressed as a mortal and was carrying a large duffel bag on his shoulders. Stuart looked a bit sweaty. His boots were dusty from walking on the path. His smile at her and the way his eye lit up when he looked at her were still the same.

Tessa rushed around from the counters and jumped in his arms. He held her tight to him. He tried not to make noise for his feet were killing him from the walk. For the first time in his life, he felt tired, dirty and hungry, but he was so happy.

"Hey, I was asking her on a date." Dillon said, protesting to what was happening.

"And that is her fiancé." Louis said, rounding the corner of the shelves. Dillon took off out the door. Louis turned to Stuart. He only got to see Stuart from a distance and as a raven. He reached out, touching Stuart's cheek. "Hello son." Tears welled up in his eyes.

"Hello Father." Stuart said, releasing Tessa and embracing his father for the first time. Tears flowed down their faces as they hugged. Both men reached out and pulled Tessa in.

Six years later

Stuart laid his head on Tessa's leg as she read to him. It was late Spring, and they had just finished a picnic in the field just outside the dark woods. Stuart turned his head slightly, placing kisses on Tessa's pregnant belly. She was due to give birth soon. Their little boy with his father's hair and mother's eyes played in the grass near them.

"Play with me, Mabby!" The little boy said, holding his hand out to Queen Mab. She pulled the boy in her lap and started to play with the toys in front of them. Louis made the dinosaurs roared much to the delight of his grandson.

Tessa used her wish from Queen Mab after the birth of their son. Stuart was asleep in the hospital chair when Tessa asked the queen to grant her wish. As Queen Mad held her grandson, Tessa wished for her to be part of their lives in the village. To be a mother to Stuart again and a grandmother to their children.

"I would like that to." Queen Mab said, rocking the sleeping baby.

"Killian, has mommy or daddy said what the baby will be?" Louis asked his grandson. Stuart and Tessa decided not to share the gender of the baby until after the birth. The village was split down the middle.

"A dinosaur." The little boy said, playing with his t-rex.

Queen Mab looked over at her son. "I could compel you to tell us." She spoke. As the years pass since her grandson's birth, Queen Mad had become less rigid. She smiled more, laughed now, and finally admitted that she loved Louis. It only took her over thirty years to say it.

Tessa laugh, putting her book down. "It doesn't work since he is mortal. I tried to get him to tell me where he hid the biscuits." She stroked her husband's hair. He looked up lovingly at her. That was the other day and Tessa had a craving for biscuits after she asked Stuart to hid them from her. After refusing to give her the location, she stomped her foot and said his true name. They stood there for a second. Stuart said he felt nothing when he heard the name. He did eventually cave and give her the sweet treat.

"We can tell you the names we are thinking about." Stuart volunteered that information. "Castel for a boy. Aoife or Caoimhe for a girl. We are still playing with the girl's name." It was about to come down to a coin toss if need be.

"Daddy said there are two dinosaurs in mommy's belly." Killian said, making his toys fight. Both Louis and Queen Mab shoot looks to the parents.

Gently tugging on his hair, Tessa let out a sigh. "I told you he wasn't asleep."

"Okay. So, it is Castel for the boy and either Aoife or Caoimhe for the girl." Stuart said, sitting up. Placing his hand on Tessa's belly, he smiled. His life was just as magical as before meeting Tessa and so much more.

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