Chapter Seven

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Tessa was home. Her time of healing was complete and not a trace of the venom was left in her body. She should be happy, yet she was not. The attack of the Unseelie Castle had caused a new war between the two Fae. Stuart was leading the armies. He would not be able to see her for their evening tea or any other time. This was a heavy weight on both of their hearts.

Before leaving her cottage to lead his men, Stuart gave Tessa a pendant of a raven charm on a silver chain. He told her that when she touches the raven, he would feel her touch. With one last kiss, Stuart flew out of her window. Tessa fell to her knees, weeping. Her fingers already caressing the raven charm.

During her time away, Louis told people that Tessa had to go back to America. He did not give too much detail, just saying that it was unavoidable, and she would be back soon. When she returned, the village rejoiced to have her back. Tessa felt loved, but her heart was still so heavy.

Closing up the shop one day, Louis pulled out his talisman to show Tessa. The stone with Queen Mab's sigil. He told Tessa his story about how he met Queen Mab as a young man and falling in love with her. That with her, he had a son that he never got to be a father to. Louis told Tessa that he knew that she was the one that his son would fall in love with. Louis comforted her like a father would as she cried on his shoulder, spilling out all her fears of losing Stuart and all the love she felt for him.

The bitter winter came and went. Spring had arrived with the promise of a world renew. More weeks passed and it was now Summer again. Tessa stared out the window of the shop, her fingers caressing the raven charm about her neck. The streets in the village were filled with travelers and regulars. People came into chat, drink coffee and tea, buy a book or three. She was content, but her smile did not meet her eyes anymore.

"I heard those woods are the home of the Unseelie Court. What do you think about that?" An American back packer asked, trying to make conversation. He gave her a smile.

"Go in there and you tell me." Tessa said, stepping away to refresh the coffee pot.

"You are American!" He was shocked. He was expecting a sweet Irish voice. "I'm Dillon." He held out his hand. Tessa looked at it and back at him. She returned her focus back on the coffee machine. "I am only going to be here for a short time. Maybe you can show me around."

"I can." Louis said, walking up to the counter. "See the door." He pointed to the exit. Dillon rushed out the shop.

"That is the third guy who hit on me today alone." Tessa said, in frustration. She looked down at herself. She was out of her usual sweater and trousers. She had been wearing long skirts, pleasant blouses with colorful bodices. The clothing that she wore while at the Unseelie Castle. She remembered how Stuart's eyes would take her in. Tessa would notice him biting his lip when she would walk into a room. "I just want to look pretty for him when he comes home." Tessa said, softly. She just wished it was soon.

Louis kissed her forehead. "He will come back to you. She is come back to me, fighting and cussing the whole damn way." Louis said. Tessa smiled at Louis. At first, he was her boss who became a friend. Now, she looked at him like a father. She was thankful to have him in her life.

Closing up the shop, she made her way to the market. She just needed odds and ends. She walked her bicycle, watching the people fluttered about. She saw Dillon again who turned around and headed in the opposite direction as her. Storm clouds started to race across the sky as she continued to walk. It wasn't until she felt the fat raindrops that she knew she was going to get drenched.

Tessa entered her cottage, cursing. She was soaked to the bone. She placed the ruined bag in the sink, thankful that it was nothing that could get hurt by water. She felt for her charm, relieved to feel the raven still around her neck. Caressing the charm, she looked at herself. Her shirt was transparent, and the bottom of her skirt was splattered with mud.

"Today would be the day he comes home, and I look like a drown rat." Tessa said to herself, pulling on the laces of her bodice. She got pretty good at lacing those things up while of the Castle. She tossed the bodice on the back of a kitchen stool to dry. In anger, she stepped out of the skirt and tossed that on the tub to get the mud off of it later. Dressed in just her undergarments and a wet shirt, she turned her attention to the fireplace. The rain had chilled her greatly. She got a fire going to started warming up her body. She started to pull off her shirt.

A rustling of feathers made her freeze. She always imaged that sound, but this time, it was not in her head. No matter how cold it got, she left the window open. As she stood up from the fireplace, she heard a click of a boot heel. Tears welled up in her eyes. She was scared to turn around. What if it was all in her head?

"Tessa." His voice. She did not hear it in her head, but with her ears. Tears fell as she turned around. Stuart was there, in her cottage. His hair hung in wet ringlets far passed his shoulders now and his own white shirt was plastered to his chest. The cloak of raven's feather was laid on the table. He looked leaner from fighting in the battles. The areas of his chest exposed showed healed wounds of the war. Her fingers went immediately to the charm.

"I felt you, every single time. Your touch kept me going." Stuart said, stepping closer to her. He had imaged this moment. Seeing her again after the months. He imaged her in her sweater, curled up with a book. Her eyes dancing behind her glasses. Yet, what he saw in front of him made his knees weak. Her hair was wild, tossed about. Her loose pleasant top was see-through from the rain, displaying her undergarments of a dark red wine color and hidden bouquet of flowers that she had tattoo on her right hip and thigh. Her lips trembling.

Tessa ran to him. He lifted her up in his arms. The kiss they share after the time apart was hard and demanding, seeking the solace they can only find with one another. When her feet touched the floor again, Tessa pulled his shirt off and tossed it now the floor. Her hands were on his skin. She wept when she felt the scars from the battles.

"I'm here, Tessa. I'm here." He comforted her. "There is a truce. No more blood is to be shed." He said, holding her face in his hands. He kissed her forehead, and then nose. His lips returned to hers. His hands fell to the hem of her blouse. Tessa raised her arms up so he could take it off of her body. He tossed it where she tossed his shirt. He touched her. His fingers traced the petal of the flowers on her shoulders. His thumb felt the scarred skin of the dog creature's bite. His fingers played on her skin, making her whimper into his kisses.

She moaned as his lips trailed down her neck to her collarbone. His hands slid down, gripped her bottom, lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his hips, holding him to her body.

"My Tessa." Stuart whispered in her ear. "Tell me what you want. Show me what you like." His words were laced with lust.

"You. All of you." She said, arching her back as his fingers worked at the clasp of her bra.

His fingers stopped. Stuart looked into her dark eyes. "My true name is..." He spoke his name. Giving her power over him that she would never abuse or take advantage of. Kissing her lips again, Stuart carried Tessa into the bedroom where they submitted to each other over and over again.


The knock on his door made Louis question who it could be. The hard rain usually kept people inside. Putting down his book, he went to answer the door. There she was, the love of his life. She was in her battle regalia still. Her face had thin from the war. Her green eyes still had the fire that warm his heart.

"He's alive. He has gone to her. There is a truce between our court and theirs." Queen Mab said. She had planned to just let Louis knew that his son was alive and be on her way. Louis reached out and pulled Queen Mab to him. Pressing his lips against hers, he savored her taste, wanting never to let go again.

Queen Mab leaned into the embrace, not fighting herself anymore. Her hands went into his thick hair, pulled him in for more kisses. He hooked her legs with his arm and picked her up as one would a bride.

"After all these years, I still love you..." Louis spoke her true name. Queen Mab moaned at the sound. The only time Louis would say her true name is when they made love. Louis carried Queen Mab to the bedroom. He still remembered the trick to untying her garments. 

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