Chapter Five

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Tessa opened her eyes. She was not in her bedroom. Above her was a canopy of spider weds with silvery silk. Beneath her was a mattress that was as soft as a cloud looks. A blanket that felt like cashmere covered her body. The room was dimly light with candles and a fire roaring in the fireplace. The room looked to belong to a manor house or a castle. The furniture was all dark wood stain and antique.

Next to the bed, Stuart slept in a chair. His head was bowed, and his hands were folded across his stomach. He was dressed in a black poet shirt without the frills and a pair of black leather pants. His legs were straight out and cross at the ankles. He was wearing his boots in case he needed to take her back to the healers.

Tessa slowly raised up. As the blanket fell from her, she realized that she was no longer wearing her own clothes. A dark purple empress waist dress with a square neckline is what she was wearing. The capped sleeves did nothing to help her felt less exposed. She was showing a fair amount of cleavage and her arm/shoulder tattoo. Her hair had been cleaned, untangled, and braid in a French braid.

"Stuart." Tessa's voice woke him for his slumber. When his eyes looked upon her sitting up in bed, his heart rejoiced. He rose out of the chair and went to her side. He pulled her into his arms, holding her to his chest. Tessa curled up in his lap. Stuart's embrace relaxed her fears. She could feel his heartbeat under her hand.

"I thought I would lose you." He whispered into her hair.

"You saved me." Tessa said, caressing his cheek. He caught her hand and kissed her fingers. Her lips trembled as Stuart lowered his face to hers.

"Your highness. The queen has requested your presence in the throne room. The mortal woman as well." A servant called through the door. Stuart looked towards the door and growled loud. The sound of running footstep filled the air.

"Your highness?" Tessa asked, moving from his arms. Stuart pinched the bridge of his nose. This was going to be fun to explain.

Queen Mab looked Tessa up and down, as if she was debating Tessa's fate. Tessa kept her eyes lowered, not wanting to anger the Unseelie Queen. She tried to keep from wringing her hands together. She wished she could hold Stuart's, who was standing next to her. She dared not reach for him, the crown prince of the Unseelie Court.

She is an interesting little mortal. Queen Mab thought to herself. Her eyes traced the lines of the flowers that adorned her left shoulder and arm. Sunflowers, daisies, and roses flowed down her skin to her elbow. Amongst the leaves on her flesh, there were groups of honeysuckle and bluebells.

"Let me see your eyes, child." The queen spoke. Tessa rose her eyes to her. Queen Mab was fascinated with their darkness and depth. "Quite pretty."

"Thank you, your majesty." Tessa said, with a little curtsy. Without another word, Queen Mab left the throne room, leaving them alone. Tessa let out a deep breath. She was so nervous. Never in her life did she think she would meet royalty, let alone the Queen of the Unseelie Court. Tessa looked to Stuart. His jaw was relaxed, a sigh of relief left his body. What did he have to be nervous about? He is her son.

"She could be made you leave, and your healing would not be complete." Stuart said, as if he was reading her mind. Tessa glanced to her right arm and side. The black trails of the venom were still there. Removing the venom was a month-long process and she had only been there for a week. Tessa even being awake was proof enough that the healers were doing their job. Her walking around and talking was her own fortitude to get better.

"Would she?" Tessa asked as she walked about the throne room. The single throne chair sat at the end of a long black runner. The walls were draped in rich, dark jewel-colored fabrics. Candles were suspended in midair lit up the room.

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