Sloane stayed for hours the night Sam left and talked about everything that happened in the past before we shared a kiss that turned deeper before we were interrupted. Sloane continued to visit every day until I was checked out. We talked about everything from the past, the army and Rose to Brodhi, my career and my fiancee. Sloane managed to keep me grounded while the silence between my son and Sam remained. It hurt deeply but I knew she would care for him better than anyone.

I thought of Sam and began to imagine Sloane in that position and how that was where she was supposed to be in the past life they had. But my mind wouldn't allow the visualisation to happen. It wasn't right. It wasn't supposed to be. Sam was the one. My fiancee.

Fiancee. That was a word I was unsure I should even use anymore. Sam had kept the radio silence and though I appreciatd it as she cared for our son, I couldn't help but miss Brodhi so much but knew that I needed to get back to being the best mummy for my boy.

After finally checking out of the hospital, I knew I was going to be all alone. I needed to find a way to get through it. Sloane refused to let me figure it out without her. She wanted to be there for me which was currently more than what Sam was doing. Sloane brought me to her hotel and managed to make me feel everything I had missed from her for six years. My selfishness winning the battle as I had forgotten all the feelings that Sam gave me and only focused on the woman holding me.

Sloane and I shared a night and had sex for the first time in nearly six years. Reigniting the passion and feelings that once burned brightly. Waking up in the middle of the night, beside Sloane, my chest tightened and the guilt and agonising pain overcame me. I began to cry silently as Sloane slept soundly her naked body on show as her muscular arm held me down. I enjoyed the night soo much with Sloane however, now that the lust and desire left I only felt empty. I felt empty thinking about how much I've messed up my life in the space of two weeks.

After slipping out of the bed from a softly snoring Sloane. I slipped on some joggers and a hoody I had from the hospital and begin making my way out of the hotel. I pull out my phone momentarily considering who to call before the realisation dawns on me. There's only one person. Sam.

An hour later, the navy blue mercedes pulls up outside the hotel and I race towards the car. Sam doesn't appear but simply unlocks the doors from inside waiting for me. The moment I set foot into the passenger seat, Sam's eyes lasered in on me. She didn't once look away and instead continued to stare. Waiting. For something. Anything.

Guilt consumed me as I knew that I had just broke everything we built together by sleeping with Sloane. The thoughts of making any sort of eye contact with Sam is agonising but I know how stubborn this woman is. I take a deep breath and manage to finally croak out something.

"I'm sorry Sam. I'm so sorry."

I shake my head as fresh tears spill out again and I begin to sob uncontrollably. I couldn't form any words to explain the guilt, the pain, the regret until I heard Sam groan in frustration. I immediately look at Sam who is staring past me and out the window of the car. I look in the direction she is staring with anger written on her face as she watches Sloane standing outside the hotel. A phone to her ear. My phone begins to vibrate and Sam breaks her stares looking down at my phone in hands catching a glimpse of the name on the screen. I know immediately that she has filled in the gaps already. I remain silent expecting Sam to explode and scream and shout at me for what I've done. But she doesn't. She does nothing.

The car starts and Sam pulls off without a word as I watch Sloane continue to try phoning me as she ran frantically up and down outside the hotel. I retrain my focus on the traffic ahead trying to distract myself. However, I can't help but catch a glimpse of Sam from the corner of my eye. Taking in her beautiful physique. I am instantly taken back by her outfit. She looks stunning in her tight red fitted suit and waistcoat and I feel goosebumps appear all over my body.

"Thanks for coming to get -"

Sam immediately cuts me off as my words sting her ears. The last thing she wants is to hear my voice right now.

"Stop Dani. Just stop."

I watch as Sam continues to focus on the road and I focus on the scenarios in my head that might help me mend this relationship. We remain silent throughout the forty five minute drive and can't help but notice the single tear leaving Sam's eye as she ignores me.

Sam didn't speak a single word for two days in the house. She didn't go to work and cooked and cleaned while I spent time with Brodhi. I knew my days were numbered before I was to go to rehab. And all I wanted was to stay wrapped up with my son and Sam. Sloane had called persistently and even came to the house which Sam ignored. I had no interest and I felt nothing was to be gained when I just lost everything. A lot went unspoken between Sam and I.

Sam and Brodhi dropped me off at rehab making it easier for my goodbyes or rather see you later. Sam gave me some alone time with Brodhi before getting him distracted with a football in the gardens and coming to speak to me.

"You can do this Dani. Remember that you need to do this for you and Brodhi. No one else." I felt a pang of guilt hit me. "I love you Dani. I want you to know I will always be here as your friend."

Tears pricked my eyes and I flinched at the word 'friend' as she said it. I watched intently as Sam slipped off the diamond band I proposed to her with and placed it in my palm. She leaned forward and kissed my head before catching Brodhi who runs towards her wildly legs and arms flailing. I say goodbye to them both and watch them leave before breaking down again and that's when an angel came and saved me. Connie.

My Lieutenant (Pt2)Where stories live. Discover now