Return to Hexside

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In the wizarding school of Hexside, Gus was standing in the front of one of the classrooms, holding a meeting for the Human Appreciation Society. It was a very small club, with at least four members. As president of the club, he had various human items, incorrectly labeled, on the desk. Among them was a cheese grater labeled as "nail clippers," a bag of chips closed with a flip phone labeled "whoopie cushion," an upside down umbrella that with filled with leaves labeled "food bowl," a Rubik's Cube labeled "weapon?", and a paper clip labeled "pay-per-clorp."

"Behold. The wonders of the human realm." Gus said, presenting the objects. First, he picked up the paper clip. "This little fella's one of their most valued objects. It aids in the compiling of printed wisdom, the scratching of gunk from under your nails, and my favorite... It even mimics the sounds of the human ocean."

He proceeded to twang it multiple times. It sounded nothing like the ocean, but Gus didn't care. "Aah! The human realm. So beautiful." Gus said dreamingly before walking over to the chalkboard. "It's safe to say that the pay-per-clorp is a stunning testament to human ingenuity. Any questions?"

He turned around to face the rest of the club. Only to see that Eileen, Bo, and the unicorn Bard track student have all fallen asleep. Even the newest member of the club, Mattholomule, looked thoroughly bored.

Mattholomule was a teenage boy with beige skin, dark brown eyes, and straight brown hair which was shaved at the sides. He wore the 'Construction track' school uniform, which consisted of brown sleeves and leggings, which was covered by the school's gray tunic and small darker gray cowl over it. He typically left his cowl on as a hood.

He raised his hand, gaining Gus' attention. "Ah! Our newest member: Mattholomule."

"Ah Augustus, is this what the president of the Human Appreciation Society thinks passes as 'Human Artifacts'?" Mattholomule asked, using air quotes

Gus looked confused and taken aback by the question. With a smug look on his face, Mattholomule walked over to the table.

"Because at my old school..." He pushed aside Gus's stuff, much to the panic of the smaller Mage. Gus rushed over and grabbed the treasure, narrowing his eyes at the new member. "We had real treasures."

Mattholomule emptied his bag onto the desk, dumping out clearly fake and crudely made items. One was a rock painted to look like a cell phone, another was an egg with a skull painted on it, and the last was a shoe made out of mud, leaves, and twigs. However, unlike Gus' items, they were labeled properly to what they are supposed to be. They're labeled "cellular phone," "human skull," and "sports footwear" respectively.

However, it was enough to fool the other members of the club, who gasped and leaned closer to them.

"So real."


"I wanna touch them!"

"Go ahead. In my club, we didn't have any dumb rules," said Mattholomule, pointing at Gus with his thumb.

Gus gasped in shock and turned to his list of rules. "Shh. He didn't mean that." He said, gently caressing it like a baby. Gus glared at everyone touching Mattholomule's objects, then marched over and took them away, much to his club members' displeasure.

"Well, this isn't your club." Gus reminded his fellow wizard. "Thankfully."

"Exactly, who thinks I should be president?"

"I do!" said Eileen in a muffled voice, since her head was a giant eyeball.

"Mattholomule for prez," said Bo.

"I'm an undecided voter. I wanna touch all the objects first." the cyclops unicorn said, as he, Eileen, and Bo started talking over each other.

Gus started to panic. If he didn't do something to regain control, he was likely going to be voted out for sure. He picked up the "phone" and took a closer look at it.

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