The Unexpected Journey

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(In the early morning the next day at the secret and mystery house known only as the Owl House, Luz had a dream. Well, it wasn't so much of a dream, but more of her remembering the events that led up to her and Adrien getting sent to a magical, yet terrifying world. Suddenly she woke up with a startled gasp. She quickly sat up and looked around her surroundings. Seeing that she wasn't at home or at summer camp, Adrien was sleeping in his own sleeping bag, and King was there sleeping on her bed, Luz realized that it was all real. That they were now in another world filled with magic and they were about to become a witch's apprentice.)

Luz: It wasn't a dream! (Getting up, she crawled on all fours to Adrien as he was sprawled on the floor and sleeping bag with just one of his legs in the covers. She poked his nose a couple of times to watch him up). "Adrien, come on! It's time to get up."

(Adrien groaned groggily before smacking his lips, with his eyes still closed.)

Adrien: Jake? Is that you," he asked in a tired voice.

(Thinking that was one of the boys in the orphanage, Luz decided to have some fun with her best friend. She smiled cheekily and rocked her head from left to right.)

Luz: Maybe~"

(Barely bothering to open his eyes and not registering that it was Luz's voice he was hearing, Adrien responded. )

Adrien: Jake, if you don't have a good reason for trying to wake me up, you better start running."

(Luz looked a little taken aback, as she certainly wasn't expecting that kind of response. Actually, not that she thought about it, wasn't Freddy one of the boys that bullied Adrien? Shaking her head, she placed her hands on his shoulders and shook him.)

Luz: Adrien, it's me, Luz! Come on, it's time to start our training."

(Hearing his crush's name, Adrien sprang up with wide eyes. Wondering just how she was able to get into the orphanage this early in the morning. But when he looked around the room that he was sleeping in and looked down at his solar cell morpher, which was laying on the floor next to him, he started to remember what had happened yesterday. He then noticed King, who was still sleeping on Luz's sleeping bag. He then turned to Luz, who smiled that cute smile he loved.)

Adrien: We're really here, aren't we.

Luz: Yeah! (Luz jumped up with glee as Adrien rubbed the back of his head. "We're actually here!" (Y/N stood up with her, and cheered with her with not as much enthusiasm, but was still as happy to be here. As Adrien reached down and grabbed Solar Cell Morpher, Luz walked over to the window and opened it to look out at the horizon.) Good morning, terrifying fantasy world!"

Sea Monster: Good morning.

Luz: Ugh." (Luz reeled back with a slight shudder.)

Adrien: You say something Luz? (Picks up his clothes.)

Luz: Uh, no, (Luz slowly closes the window.)

Adrien: Well, I'm going to head into the bathroom and get dressed. (Tucks his clothes under his arm and puts his morpher in his pocket.) Give you some privacy in here. (Adrien then turned and walked towards the door, but not before giving King a scratch on his back. King hummed in disappointment as Adrien stopped.)

(Exiting out of the room, Adrien walked all over the house to find a bathroom, before coming across a door that had a 'Ladies' sign on it, with a green sticky note under that said 'and King'. He opened the door and immediately ducked his head when two owls came flying out of it. He stared the way they went, before slowly entering the room and closed the door.)

The Knight of the Boiling Isles (Solaris Knight OC x Owl House)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora