" Of course. I'll see you later." She gave a small sympathising smile before leaving too and I dropped myself on the chair once again, resting my head on the table.

" Why is everything so messed up in my life? Can't it be normal for like one minute?" I whined, still not looking at my friends.

" Fuck normal. Can't it be peaceful for one second?" I rephrased my question, finally looking at Amrita who looked like she wanted to strangle someone, probably my parents.

" I need pizza and I need fries and I need them from a cheap cafe. I also want like a full huge burger and yes, a coke to go with the pizza. Can we please go somewhere else? Some small cafe?" I asked them who nodded immediately as we walked out. Thankfully, we hadn't ordered anything yet.

We walked down the road to find a cafe fitting my description and seated ourselves as we ordered a lot of food ranging from Sizzlers to Chinese and I started to hog on my cravings.

" By the way Mythili, your future husband is not wrong, you know. Those people who call themselves your parents don't deserve any kindness from you. That money is yours and you should not think of returning it back to them." Viraj said and I saw Hritik nod in agreement.

" I haven't earned it. How can it be mine? It's theirs. They can do whatever with it but Mr. Rathore is going to do what he thinks fit and I don't have a fucking choice in the matter. Earlier, my parents controlled my actions and now he wishes to do the same. I am a puppet and it's high time I accept the fact." I said, shrugging my shoulders as I forced the pizza slice down my throat.

" I don't think he wants to control you. I mean he was after all making sure that those signed papers reach your parents but it was finally them who stepped out of line and in a way, all he did was defend you. Look at it that way Mythili. Any decent man would have done what he did." Amrita replied and for a split second, I agreed before forcing the thought away from my brain.

" Can we please not talk about any of this right now? I really want to forget." I pleaded them and they agreed as we shifted to discussing the latest season of Grey's Anatomy but my mind truly never got distracted, unfortunately.

After we were done, I called up Narayan kaka, the driver Malini aunty had given me. As he drove towards the Rathore Manor, my eyes started watering once again. What was going on in my life? Why was I living with them? When could I have my own place to call it home? The momentary happiness I had found with my friends was starting to fade away as reality had begun to knock.

" We are here." Kaka said and I got out of the car after thanking him and made my way inside. The huge hall was empty and neither did I find anyone up on the floor where my room was.

Sighing, I shut the door of my room behind me and dropped on the bed and closed my eyes for a while, not knowing when I let sleep overcome me.


The next time that I woke up, it was because of a few knocks on the door. I threw myself out out the bed and steadied myself to attend the person knocking.

It was one of the house maids who was here to ask me to come for dinner. I was not hungry even a little bit but I couldn't just not go for dinner. It would be totally rude of me to do so.

I just walked out of the room and made way to the dining room where I found Malini Aunty and Shivaay in their usual seats.

I gave aunty a smile which she returned and Mr. Rathore nodded towards me, acknowledging my presence before he turned his attention back on the huge T.V screen with stock market analysis.

" Did you fall asleep Mythili?" Aunty asked as I sat next to her. I nodded sheepishly, a bit embarrassed. I slept for five damn hours!

" Good. It was needed. You hardly slept before your exams." She mothered me as she personally served food to me.

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