Chapter Three

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Evelyn had been seen to and settled into her room after I departed, with Mrs. Swift seeing to her dinner and anything else she might desire. Meanwhile, I spent much of the evening walking about the grounds, and even debated taking the runabout out on the lake. Perhaps that was just what I need to arrange a first date for us?

It was late, and although I expected that both of my wives had their lights still on, I turned left at the top of the stairs and follow the bend of the hallway. Beckoned by the warm glow of light underneath the door of the Alexander Suite once more, my legs did not feel like my own as I approached the room that young Evie was staying in this weekend – well, as far as she knew, anyhow.

I was about to knock when I overheard her having a conversation.

Even though on her social media she claimed to have hundreds of friends, a private investigator revealed that she only regularly saw one of them. Grace Taylor, another young woman who was putting herself through college. They both worked on the kitchen staff at a luxury reception hall in New York City.

"I'm pretty sure I made an ass out of myself in front of the lord," Evie said.

"You drink too much bubbly while flying first class?" Grace, I assume, laughed.

"No, well, maybe," Evie giggled. "In my defense, his butler was being an entitled douchebag, and then the lord swooped in and saved the day," she sighed. "Did I mention he's hot?"

"Hold on, the butler or the lord?" her friend asked, and I nearly gave myself away.

"The lord, Walt," Evie replied. It was a nickname that I hardly utilize, not even Viktoria or Lucy call me by it. I suppose it helped to modernize my name, make me more approachable to such a bohemian character as Evelyn Alexander, but I also found myself warming to the name as I heard Evie's voice recite it. "And you would think he's gotta be a hundred, but he's our age. I mean, he's soo handsome, G, and—."

I knocked before realizing it. It was improper to eavesdrop, yes, but I also think it had honestly been too long since I'd seen the Alexander suite aglow. Evelyn's bed dipped from her movement with a soft pitter pat of her bare feet across the rug and then wooden floorboards.

"Oh," she said upon opening the door, tucking her phone behind her. "Hi, Walt."

And there it was again.

"The light was on," I said quickly. I should've prepared something to say, a reason to be here other than the light; not that she was aware of the lascivious images running through my mind. "How are you settling in?"

"Um, fine. Thank you. Different time zone, you know?"

I nodded as I tried to find a suitable topic of conversation. Ah, yes. Her bad first impression. "Right, well I just wanted to apologize again for earlier with Mr. Field. He's a bit old-fashioned. I hope you weren't offended," I smiled.

"Actually, I was," she said. My smile dropped.

"Oh. Oh, I am sorry." I really wasn't expecting that. Normally, even if something did, in fact, offend someone, they'd brush it off; a sort of mutual agreement to get past the unfortunate situation and move on. It was only my second interaction with Evelyn Alexander, and she seemed to not be affected by my charms in the same way as other human women would be; well, those that weren't part of the three families, or having been brought up with them. "I will talk to him tomorrow."

She nodded with a small grin. Her lips were so full, and it was only the reminder of proper courting rituals – loose as they may be in the 21st century – that told me it was much too soon for her to allow me even one chaste kiss. "Is there any chance we can erase the memory and start over?"

"I don't know if that's possible, but you could maybe make a better second impression?"

What, is she trying to say this already isn't going well?

I clicked my tongue against my teeth. "Right, okay," I raked my teeth over my bottom lip. "And how am I doing with that?"

Evie shrugged, "Solid seven and a half."

I'm not sure if that counts as 'solid,' but I reached towards the doorframe, leaning my weight on my right hand.

"May—maybe an eight," she chimed in. I wasn't sure that she would change her answer, nor so forwardly, but it delighted me nonetheless.

"Okay, that's a start, at least," I winked. I was starting to relax a bit more, though the charade was becoming increasingly annoying.

Never before have I had to hide my nature – who I am – from a bride. Slew of women from the countryside, those visiting on holiday, yes, but never one who was to be my wife.

And within just a few short nights, too.

"I trust your accommodation meets your high standards?"

"I mean, I can live with this," she teased. I knew that this was – by far – the nicest place she'd ever lived, but I found it humorous that she easily played it off like she had to begrudgingly leave her golden pedestal for a weekend at my estate.

"Are you sure?" I played along. She crossed her arms, nodding that it was simply fine. "Well, I thank you for tolerating it."

She smiled, though in a reserved manner which I found sweet. I also found that it was becoming increasingly difficult to not smile around her. If I didn't cram down this excitement, she would surely be curious as to what in the hell was wrong with me.

I'm not sure how long we stood there, eyes fixed on each other, but she then dipped her head and said, "Thank you for apologizing."

I was struck by how . . . genuine she sounded? Another smile broke through, and I knocked once, gently, on the frame.

"I am going to let you get some rest," I said, attempting to move my feet in the direction away from her room instead of breaching its' entry. With only one step gained, I turned back towards her, "I'm glad that you decided to make the trip over. Perhaps I'll see you in the morning? After you meet with your newfound family at the little reunion, of course."

"Could I see more of the estate? This place is truly magnificent."

"Absolutely. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better."

"Me, too."

"Goodnight, Evie," I said as I bowed my head, and turned back towards the stairwell.

Upon latching her door again, I heard her friend teasing my new bride with attempts at my accent, and suggestive acts that seemed awfully tame for what I had planned.

Walking down the hallway, I saw that the Billington Suite's light was now out. After a century as my wife, I knew that Lucy would likely still welcome me even if she was resting a bit before midnight tonight, but this pent-up desire would not be satisfied with either of my wives when all I wanted was Evelyn Alexander – Evie.

Since tonight was Lucy's night to feed, I would only have the library to myself for a couple more hours. It had a large, picture window that I had spent hundreds of hours overlooking the lake. I could retreat to my dimly-lit study, as the darkness was the only place I could feel like myself, but my body was suddenly itching to move.

Making a decision, I gathered up some of the materials from my desk, and headed out into the dense fog surrounding the grounds of this late hour. It was only a half-moon tonight, but that wouldn't be a hindrance to me. Embarking on a short journey around my lands, I breathed out a puff of air. Summer would be here soon, and what a wonderful time to celebrate having three brides once more.

To celebrate having Evie as my wife.

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