Only You - VII

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"We're here." Perrie declared and looked up causing Jade to follow her lead. Perrie tugged Jade and pulled her a bit further from the Hyperion tree so they could properly see what she's referring to. "See that?" She points to a tree.

"Yeah, it's like a house – but on the trunk of a tree – that's hundreds of feet above the ground," Jade answered and turned her attention back at the blonde. "Who lives there?"

Perrie shrugs, "I don't know. I haven't seen anyone. But look at those flowers that are embellished outside the house, and these ones down here around the tree. This is the only spot in this entire forest that has these flowers."

Jade steps forward and plucks a flower. "This is a daffodil. This kind of flower only grows in cold places. You think maybe...we're in the Northern part of America? Or Europe? Or maybe even Canada?"

"You're not on earth anymore, darlings. Or should I say, you're not in the world of the living."

Perrie and Jade were startled when someone spoke behind them. They spun around only to be met by a caramel-skinned woman with luscious curly hair and a refined, classically beautiful face. The woman is knockout gorgeous, everything about her appearance screams solid.

"Leigh-Anne?" The pair chorused.

Leigh smiles. "Well, I expected that...but yes and no." The woman began. "Yes, I'm Leigh-Anne, and no, I am not your Leigh-Anne. You two are familiar with the multiverse, aren't you?"

"Oh..." Perrie and Jade said in unison. They both get that the Leigh-Anne they're talking to right now isn't the same as their friend and companion. This Leigh-Anne spoke softly and with a hint of mirth in her voice, which is totally different from their Leigh-Anne who always has a terrible temper and who looks like she's ready to fight.

They also noticed that this Leigh-Anne talks and sounded like she's not from the modern times, like she's from the Medieval era or an era before that.

"What do you mean we're not in the world of the living?" Jade asks. "Are we dead? I mean, I know Perrie's dead, but me–"

"This is not the world of the living, nor it is the world of the dead. This place is a sanctuary, another dimension between the two worlds. And the couple who lives up there..." Leigh points at the house on top of the tree making Perrie and Jade follow what she's pointing at. "They're the guardians of this place...and the flower that you just plucked."

"Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't–"

Leigh waved her hand in dismissal, "It's fine. But next time you see a beautiful flower, just let it bloom. Let it grow on its own – let it be..."

"Don't worry, this flower won't die..." Jade assured her. "I'll just put it in a vase full of water and–"


Jade and Perrie were shocked when Leigh's voice boomed and echoed around them all of a sudden.

"Just stop trying to bring back things that are already gone. You're messing with the balance of nature."

Perrie looks at Jade then to Leigh-Anne. However, Jade was staring at Leigh with a look of determination on her face.

"With all due respect, but I'm not messing with the balance of nature," Jade argued. "Why are you stopping me from taking care of this flower that I picked when I can do something to keep it alive? To keep it from dying? That's not messing with nature, that's helping nature. Maybe I was wrong for picking it in the first place, but that's because I'm just human. I am not perfect, but I learnt that picking this flower was wrong. And now I know I can do better next time."

Jerrie One Shot-ish Stories | Book 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat