Chapter 5

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It has been weeks since I last remember being free and in the fresh outdoors. I am in this weird place where a majority of it is very dim. Other horses were tied up and if any of us horses misbehaved and one of the people here caught us they would abuse and punish us.

Hare was here and was the only one I recognized here. Small stalls were lined up in a square shape with a small indoor arena in the middle. Hare told me after we arrived here that he has been here before but he can't remember any of the people.

One day I remember a mare being led into the arena and a stallion behind here. They were both well built and had nice coloring. When I realized what was going on I let out a loud whinny in panic and got hit in the head and the rest was a blurry for me.

We had to come up with a way to escape but Hare said when he was little he has tried every way out but every time has failed. I remember waking up and being led into that arena in the middle and Hare as well. We both knew our escape plan. He got up on me and when the people encouraged him he jumped off and we both were lashing out at them, rearing, bucking, kicking, biting. Anything we could do to hurt these people.

After we barely succeeded in that we were able to find another aisle with another row of stalls but there was an unmatched door at the end. Taking our chances we stealthily crept towards the door and when we were just inches away and took the handle between my teeth and pulled my head back, opening the door.When the door opened light flooded into the dark building. Looking around all I noticed were trees and a rocky terrain. I wonder where we are.

We decided to shift into our humans to cover our scent more to any nearby wolf or werewolf packs. We began to walk north. After hours of walking we finally came across a rocky cliff overlooking a supposed town. Some buildings were along the nearly empty roads. Families walked in and out of restaurants or shops.

Mountains trapped the town in a valley with a road leading away to the east. By the North and West were forests and lots of trees. I recognized this place as home. Where I was born, showed, where I spent my whole life. And we found ourselves back from that place called hell. We need to come up with an excuse on why we left them in the first place and how their horses were gone at the same time. It would just be easier to stay as a horse but days get boring in the stall or pasture all day.

I couldn't go back and forth much from my stall to a pasture because most of the stable hands would always be at school during the day.We decided to gallop back to the stable and attempt to jump the pasture fence as to look we never left or got taken away. When we got there we saw the fence coming up and tucked my legs in and soared over the fence with Hare behind me. Still galloping on we reached the gate of the pasture and there was a large crowd in front of the barn and saw faces turned to us that were very familiar.


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