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"yeah Lix?"

"did you possibly care to lend me some clothes"

"and why is that?" Chan turns to face the younger.

"um you see..My baby is quite healthy and the bumps is ehem big...so my clothes aren't that fit with me to cover it enough..and—"

"okay..okay..Let me find you some" Chan chuckle as he quickly went to rumbles his clothes.

Felix just shyly nod and wait patiently on the bed.

"here..try it.. I bought it few months ago but the shirts wasn't fit with me.. well being a bulky I am"

"thanks hyung.." quickly he slip on the shirt and still it looks big on him but it helps with covers his bump.

"you look goods tho.. but hey, one of my friend want to pay us a visit. Are you okay?"

"sure why not..but are they—"

"don't worry, you'll love to see them.. trust me" Chan winked at the younger

A sudden notification pop up from Chan's phone make both of them turn towards it. "it's Evely. She's finally here! I'm sorry Felix! I gotta go now.. I'll be back before this evening!"

"it's okay hyung, take your time"


After Chan head out, Felix lays on his back on the bed. Sighing he takes out his phone and scroll through the sns. A sudden pop up catch his attention.


"what does he want?"

you left me on read..

..what do you want?

How's the baby?

It's non of your concern..
Just leave me alone..

whatever it is, the baby is still mine..

Not anymore.. it's mine only..

Felix start to getting furious at him. His eyebrows twitch.

I would love to have you sign that damn paper already!

..what paper? The divorce?

Of course!
What would make you think another paper?

Let me know if you needed anything, I can help you with

I need you to sign that paper..
I would love too!

And if I don't want?

Fuck off!

Don't be mad love..
That baby is mine too..
*seen 10:15am*

Felix then throw the phone somewhere onto the bed. Sighing aloud he place one hand onto his eyes covering them.

"what does he want..?"


"How's the baby doctor?"

"she's a very healthy baby girl. Well I will give you a date for another checkup."

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