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Felix just got back from his monthly checking at hospital. Going with his mother in law make him feel safer.

"anything you want to buy after this?" she ask

"Groceries been running low but, I'll do the shopping next week" he reply back while fastening the seatbelt.

"If you say so. I can't wait for my grandchild to be born, how nice is it" she smile as she rubs Felix's arm. Little did she know, she will have another grandchild waiting to be born. Felix just give her a smile.

He also don't know how much longer the lies will keep going. It's been a month since they live together. His bumps also starting to show up, luckily he always wear sweater so that the bump won't be recognised whenever he is outside moreover to Hyunjin.


"you want to come over mom?" Felix ask as he unfastened the seatbelt.

"maybe next time, I have meeting after this. See you later love"

"well if you said so, bye mom. Thank you and love you" Felix hug her before placing kiss on her cheek.

He waves goodbye and watch as the car drove away. Looking around, Hyunjin car wasn't there. Lucky for him, he didn't have to face Him.

After the incident, Felix had been avoiding him for two weeks already. When morning, he would wake up at 6am and prepares breakfast. After that, he went inside his room back. Around 9am he would get out after Hyunjin has gone to work to eat and do the house chores.

He do sometimes came across with Soojin, but she just being the bratty bitch, he didn't give her any attention. He just do his work only.

It was 8.30 when he still making some dinner. As he was turn off the stove the door opened. He look and his eyes meet with Hyunjin.

"I'm home-"

Not wanting to meet him, Felix runs towards his room again. Hyunjin just look at him slightly hurt with they way Felix been with him. The younger had been avoiding him these few weeks.

"Baby? Why are you still standing here?" Soojin voice brings him back to reality.

"Nothing, I was just tired."

"You wanna eat something? I already cook it for you" she said while helping him taking off his suit.

"Really?" he ask back, eyebrow raised

"yeah, I've just finished cooking dinner for you. Come, lets eat"

"I'll take a shower first" She just nod and smile at him while giving him a kiss on the cheek.



"Hurry up!"

Impatiently Soojin keeps knocking on Felix's door. Apparently, it wasn't her who cooks dinner and serve the dinner. It was Felix, moreover she didn't know on how to turn on the stove.

Within minute, the door finally creaks open. Soojin just grab him and shoves him towards the kitchen. "Hurry up!"

Felix just do his job quickly. Placing the plates and serve the dinner nicely. She just stared at him doing all the works. "Ahh, and he ask for hot choco. Can you make him some?"

Felix just nods at her. Not wanting to talk or deal with her for a long time. Taking out the instant choco from the shelves he accidentally showing his bump. The sweater he was wearing that night was a bit shorter than usual.

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