General Artwork: Trellis, Caeles, & Skychariots

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The creation story, in which the Eternal Radiance clears half of the land of hostile lifeforms, kindles green plant life, and places the Trellis in the sky.

The creation story, in which the Eternal Radiance clears half of the land of hostile lifeforms, kindles green plant life, and places the Trellis in the sky

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The Trellis.

***The Trellis

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***A mental environment in the Caeles

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A mental environment in the Caeles. Note the weird fruit and the wall turning into a tree; Caeles spaces are sometimes surreal.

 Note the weird fruit and the wall turning into a tree; Caeles spaces are sometimes surreal

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A skyhaven with a long skychariot.

***A private skychariot flying on a promenia thread

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A private skychariot flying on a promenia thread.

***A private skychariot flying on a promenia thread

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