Just do it!

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Ah if life could be different than who knows how I would feel about it but this one sucks. Nothing against the island of the lost or anything. It's just... Well... You ever been soo hungry because the food isn't quite edible? You ever seen greenery before? Well I never did. All I know is the same grey landscape all over again.

At least I try to paint it...

Me and Evie managed to came back home or what we call home. It was there that I met Carlos and Jay. Who would have thought that the big 4 villains would ever come together and actually do this? I mean they call it a villain layer but what it all was in reality is just a small castle which was ruined. It wad falling apart and that was a fact.

Mother: Mal!

Me: Oh boy... Here we go again.

Evie: You can get through it.

Me: Sure. If you can gat through all that... Then yeah I can.

Evie is and always will be one of my best friends. I know that friends are not really a tearm under us Vk's but hey I still will stick to that. At least she was saving me from my mother sometimes. If that is not friendship than what is?

Anyways I pointed at Evies make up which I knew took hours but oh well not as if it changes anything. At least that makeup was somewhat looking nice at her... Me on the other hand... Well I spent my times memorising spells that my mother is teaching me. Great thing! I know.

I really don't get why I need to know everything...


I don't want this.

I just want to be outside.

I feel it.

Why can't I just get out and stay outside instead of this damn rotten place.


Can't really go against my mother tho...

She really wants to see it happening.

Don't get where she got the confidence and that wild dream but it's soo far fetched... What am I even doing here?

Me: Yes Mother?

The moment me and Evie seperated, I went over to my mother who already prepared some stuff. Oh great! A potion making class... This was definitely the least I needed right now. Nothing against it but this would never work with the things we have here and that was a fact.

Mother: Come here! Now show me what you got.

Me: No.

Mother: No?

Me: Yes, I said no.

Mother: And why?

I was screwed but I didn't care. This was useless and it was just a waste of time. Nothing ever came out of a potion made by earth and some damn random leaves where I have to imagine it being the ones I need and name them. What am I 4? No! This was ridiculous and I felt like this for quite some time now. Why dream about magic when we were stuck here anyways?

Me: It's fucking stupid to do this.

Now I overdid it. My moms eyes turned green and she looked at me. They were the eyes of a predator but I wasn't scared. I never was. Tho the thing is... I never wanted my mom to find out about me being able to change into a dragon. I meant she would soo just use me. I can see it now too. Love... Motherly love... NO! There was nothing like that in her eyes. Yes she cared about me because I was just a tool for her. So no. I was soo not being dumb enough to show her that I have power myself.

So in the end I avoided her eyes and looked towards the ground. 

Mother: Now do it.

Me: Yes... mother....


I want to be free.

This is no freedom.

At least the evil queen treats her child better than you!

Am I even your child?


I hate this.

I would rather stay in a very high place and never come down at all.

Me: .... TSK!

I made a mistake since my anger of this whole situation got the better of me and instead of doing what my mother told me to do, I looked up at her again with my dragon eyes. Hers were green but mine were for some reasons a light blue with a touch of gold. Call me stupid for that but I just couldn't help it and just after a short while, I realized what a grave mistake I just did.


I am not staying here for another minute!


With that, I just turned around and ran out not caring for anyone else. Of course I was sure that I would get in trouble later but now, right now, I needed the space. I was soo angry at the thought that all that my mother ever wanted was me as a tool not as a child....

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