The unexpected battle pt.2

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"Sharingan, Sharingan! Will someone tell me what that is?" Naruto whined.
"It's a rare power that resides in one's eyes, it can see one's moves before it happens." Sasuke explained.
Fog started to enclose on us, making it impossible to see, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to Kakashi sensei.

"I know earlier you froze, but I know you have the strength to defend yourself and protect the bridge builder. Don't let yourself get to worked up, okay?" He said in a stern yet soft voice. His eyes staring intensely into mine.
I just nodded, could I really do this? I have to if I'm ever going to face the Phantom troupe, I battled in my head.

We heard Zabuza speak to Kakashi sensei about him being in his bingo book, he is known as 'Kakashi the copy ninja'
"Wow! That's so cool!" Naruto yelled.
"Quit talking, I need to exterminate the old man." Zabuza threatened.
Us Genins ran to protect the bridge builder, holding up our Kunai. Kakashi was straight ahead of us, suddenly Zabuza leaps from the tree with his sword and was now standing on the water. It seems as if he was building a huge amount of chakra, then he simply disappeared.
"He'll come after me first" Kakashi stated.
"He's known for silent killing, so don't lower your guard!" He continued dragging out those last few words.

The fog became thicker, we could no longer see Kakashi, it was just the five of us until we heard Zabuza's voice calling out the five points he could kill us from. And then a blue aura sent a shock though the air, surrounding Kakashi sensei, both chakras giving off such a dark and intense lust for blood... it was mind chilling.

"Sasuke! Calm down." We heard Kakashi exclaim.
Was Sasuke thinking the same thing as I was?
"I'll protect you with my life, all of you! I will not allow my comrades to die. Trust me." He continued, giving a closed eye smile.
Yes, we don't leave comrades behind that's what I believe!

"I wouldn't be so sure." Said a rough, low voice,
surprising us all. He was between us and the old man.
"It's over." He stated.
And before I had time to process anything, Kakashi was now face to face with Zabuza all of us pushed out of the way, Kakashi had stabbed him with a kunai.
"Kakashi, behind you!" Naruto shouted.
Zabuza was now behind Kakashi and the one he had stabbed turned into water.
"It was a water-"
I was cut of by Zabuza yelling, "Die!" As he sliced though Kakashi.
"No!" I begun to say but he turned into water as well.
Now he had a Kunai on Zabuza's throat and stated it's over to the demon hidden In the mist.

All of us were waiting in suspense as we watched the two Jounin in combat. Zabuza started to chuckle.
"Finished? You really don't get it do you, I'll never be defeated by a mere copycat ninja like you." He hissed. "I'm not that easy to fool!" he growled, a second Zabuza now behind Kakashi.
He swung his sword at Kakashi, he ducked at the attack thrown at him, but Zabuza plunged his sword into the ground and held himself up to kick Kakashi, knocking him though the air into the water that was near by, Zabuza took off and jumped into the waters.

Just as Kakashi came up from the water, Zabuza darted behind him and made hand signs,
"Water prison jutsu!" he shouted.
"No!" Kakashi exclaimed.
Just then a ball of water formed around sensei trapping him.. What do I do, what can I do? I thought.

Zabuza made another water clone to attack us, the clone kicked Naruto causing him to flying him back.
"You're no ninjas you're just brats!" He muttered.
"Ground prison-" before I could finish my hand signs I was kicked in the the chest, my breath hitched, I landed hard on the ground, trying to catch my breath.

"Get the bridge builder and run! You can't win this fight! If you run far enough the water clone won't be able to follow, now run!" Kakashi demanded.
"We've got to do it." Sasuke said, taking off towards Zabuza.
I tried to speak but only a squeak came out, my breathing still shaky.

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