"The local news hasn't given any personal information away, but I recall them saying that the car that got totaled was a black mustang," he answered. "I sure hope both parties are ok."

Black mustang... Heather thought. Her jaw dropped in realization, and she gasped. That's Alejandro's car. That's his car. "Dad, um...I-I've gotta go."

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Rob said.

"I think I know one of the people," she mumbled as she hastily put on a jacket and slid into her flip-flops. Bruiser meowed, his ears perking up with concern at his owner's pace.

"Oh no! Please let me know if everything's ok!"

"Ok, I'm going now." Heather sprinted past the kitchen, living room, and out the front door.

"I love you, Heather Feather," he told her, hoping it would make her feel better.

"Mhm, bye!" She let her dad hang up because she was too preoccupied with getting to the hospital. It's already been two hours. What if it's too late? She focused on the road to calm her nerves for the moment.

Once she arrived at the hospital, she walked straight to the front desk in emergency services. "Is there a patient named Alejandro Burromuerto here?!" Her voice shook.

"Let me check on that, hun." The lady searched through her files on a desktop. "Yes, he's here, but he's now undergoing surgery on the fourth floor."

"Surgery? For wait?" Heather rocked back and forth on her heels.

"That information is confidential, sweetie. I only have one person on his record who's allowed access to that."

Heather sighed distressfully. "Can I at least go up there and wait?"

The woman raised her eyebrow. "Are you a loved one, sweetie?"

"Um...I'm...a friend," she said.

"Ok, you may go up there and wait, but we're limiting to one guest per room after surgery."

Heather nodded and took the elevator to the fourth floor. Then, doubt started to invade her mind. He's not going to let me talk to him. Maybe I should go. She reached out to press the button back to the main floor but stopped herself. No, I have to know how he's doing. I'll see if he's ok, then I'll leave. Nothing more. The elevator stopped at the fourth floor, and Heather stepped out.

A few elderly people were sitting near the reception desk, and a few middle-aged adults sat together, reading magazines or looking at their phones. Heather saw a giant fish tank in the far-right quadrant. She sat across from the tank and observed the clownfish swimming in and out of their tiny anemone in the center. She moved her right leg up and down to ease the anxious queasiness in her stomach. He's ok. He has to be.

"What's taking so long?" A familiar voice caught Heather's attention. She looked to her left and saw a man with a stature like Alejandro's. She assumed it was his family.

"José, be patient. These kinds of surgeries can last for hours," the woman next to him replied. "I know you're worried about Alejandro, but the doctors said he should be fine," she repeatedly nodded as if she were convincing herself.

Heather let out a breath of relief. Thank God. He's fine. I can leave. But did she want to? She felt like she needed to see Alejandro for herself to feel better about it. She did say he SHOULD be fine, after all. And his mother or whoever still looks kind of worried.

José noticed Heather sitting there by herself. "I'll
Be right back, mamá," he said. He sauntered over to Heather with a charming smile on his face. "Hola," he greeted. Heather glanced at him. "Are you here for Alejandro?" He asked her, trying not to laugh. He was under the impression that Heather was one of Alejandro's "fangirls" after a one-night stand.

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