𝟹𝟸|told you so

Start from the beginning

Without a word, Scott went back over to his bike, pulled his helmet on and rode off in the direction of the sound. Stiles shouted at him to wait but he wasn't listening, the other two werewolves following close behind the Alpha.

As Stiles got onto the phone with his dad, Samara grabbed Allison's arm. "Alright, new plan. Allison, follow me. Lydia and Nadine, stay with Stiles."

Before anyone had the opportunity to argue, Samara was already running after Isaac with Allison, catching up to run by her side. They followed the tracks left behind by Scott's bike and the other werewolves, not slowing down for a moment.

"Isaac, slow down!" Samara shouted before even thinking about whether or not Mr Tate would hear her.

As they continued to run Samara was beginning to worry that they would lose them. After all, how long were they supposed to keep up with werewolves?
That was until they heard a scream tear through the woods.

Samara felt her stomach drop at the sound, her feet slowing momentarily. "Isaac," she said quietly. 

Without a second thought, she was running again, following the sounds of his cries of agony. Allison managed to keep up, the two finding him and Lincoln in a small clearing. When she got closer, Samara was able to see what had caused him to scream the way he had.

Isaac had managed to step directly into a bear trap, the metal jaws clamping shut just above his ankle. There was blood staining his jeans and his face was lathered in sweat, the boy unable to focus enough to be able to remove it.

Rushing over, Samara fell to the ground beside him. Looking up at Lincoln, she waved him off. "Go find Scott. We'll help Isaac," she insisted. 

Lincoln took a moment to consider his options before nodding. Turning on his heel he continued on after Scott, being on the lookout for traps as he did so.

"Allison, there he is," Isaac said quickly, his hands on either side of the trap as he tried to wrench himself free. "Hit Tate. Use the tranq on him. Okay?"

The brunette immediately brought the gun up, bringing the scope up to her line of sight as she took some steady breaths. She couldn't remember a time she had ever been this nervous holding a weapon. Her hands were shaking, her fingers slipping on the cool metal.

"Okay, come on," she said to herself. Allison took her first shot but missed completely, the tranquillizer hitting a nearby tree.

"Allison, you can do this," Samara said firmly, trying to beat her friend to the sinking thoughts. "Just breathe."

The brunette nodded, raising her gun once more. As she took aim, Samara reached down and squeezed Isaac's hand, giving him something to anchor himself to throughout the pain.

Taking another deep breath as she aimed, Samara heard Allison mumble something to herself in French. Feeling her body stop shaking for those few seconds, she took her shot. This time, Allison didn't miss.

As soon as Mr Tate went down she redirected her aim in hopes of finding Malia. Unfortunately, the coyote had already gone on her way.
"She's gone," Allison whispered.

"Go after her," Isaac said, jaw stiff in pain. "I'll be fine - I've got Mara. Go help Scott."

Allison looked to the girl for confirmation, Samara nodding to say she would stay with him.
"Alright," Allison responded. "Be careful. Text me if something happens."

"You mean besides getting my leg caught in a bear trap?" Isaac asked sarcastically.

"Something like that," Allison said with a roll of her eyes before she went off in the direction that they had seen Lincoln go.

𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 • Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now