Phantom Menace Ch: 5

Start from the beginning

You come from a warm planet, Ani. A little too warm for my taste. Space is cold.

You seem sad.

The Queen is... worried. Her people are suffering... dying. She must convince the Senate to intervene, I'm not sure what will happen.

He pulls something from his pocket, and hands it to her.

He pulls something from his pocket, and hands it to her

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I made this for you. So you'd remember me. I carved it out of a japor snippet... It will bring you good fortune.

It's beautiful, but I don't need this to remember you by. Many things will change when we reach the capital, Ani. My caring for you will remain.

I care for you too. Only I...

Anakin is disturbed about something. Tears are in his eyes.

...Miss your mother.

Anakin looks at her, unable to speak. She hugs him.

We then see the ship as it heads toward Coruscant. The spacecraft flies over the endless cityscape of Coruscant, the capital of the galaxy.

Revan looks out the cockpit window in awe.

Ric Olie:
Coruscant... the entire planet is one big city. There's Chancellor Valorum's shuttle. And look over there, Senator Palpatine is waiting for us.

The ship flies towards a floating platform where Senator Palpatine was waiting along with Chancellor Valorum, and Several Guards.

The sleek Naboo spacecraft lands on the platform high above the street level of the galactic capital. The ramp lowers. Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Jar Jar, Revan, and Anakin descend the ramp first and bow before Palpatine, and Valorum.

Capt. Panaka Two Guards Queen Amidala, then Padmé, Sabé, Rabé, Eirtaé, and more guards descend down the ramp. Queen Amidala stops before the group. Revan, Anakin Jar Jar stand on one side of the Queen. Padmé looks to Revan and begins to smile at him, and he smiled at her. Sabé then smiled at Anakin who smiled back. Palpatine bows to the Queen.

It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty. With the communications breakdown, we've become very concerned. I'm anxious to hear your report on the situation. May I present Supreme Chancellor Valorum.

Welcome, Your Highness. It's an honor to finally meet you in person.

Thank you, Supreme Chancellor.

I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the currant situation. I've called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position.

I am grateful for your concern, Chancellor.

Palpatine starts to lead Queen Amidala and her retinue off the platform toward a waiting air taxi.

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