Monsieur Ackerman

Start from the beginning

"He waltzes over to the table and shakes my hand as if we're old friends. The minute I met the bastard I hated him, he had to be the worst part of my night."

You sigh, and the anger from last night overtakes you so much that you don't even notice the panicked look on Hitch's face.

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way, Madame."

You swear you feel your stomach drop at the cold voice that comes from behind you. You slowly turn your head before your eyes meet a dark pair.

"Monsieur Ackerman."

While he's not glaring at you, his gaze is ice cold and sharp, and it slices you. You internally curse yourself and Hitch for not realizing that the man was here.

"It's nice to see you again Madame, but I'm guessing you can't say much of the same about me."

Your heart pounds a bit before you pinch your arm. You had to get this situation under control, you had just ranted about how you wanted your mother to stop treating you like you were a child, yet here you were frozen and in shock as if your hand was just caught in the cookie jar.

"I apologize Monsieur, I've just had a frustrating week and I sometimes say words I don't mean."

You hate this damage control, but knowing your luck, he'll most likely share a few words with your mother about not only your behavior, but your location. And while you're sure your mother would have more of a heart attack if she knew you were in the slums of France talking it up with a bar maiden, trash-talking a German soldier to one might just push her fragile heart over the edge.

Speaking on being places you shouldn't...

"Why are you the Dreyse's home?"

You tilt your head at the man, and Hitch nudges your foot, but you disregard her as you try your best to not glare at the man that stands before you.

"As of right now, I live in their home."

Your lip twists instantly, and your eyes flick at Hitch before back at the man in front of you.

"You live here? Why?"

The disdain on your tongue is obvious.

"In order for our cause to succeed, our countries are working together. Giving soldiers a place to rest their heads is but one part of that. You sound upset about that Madame?"

Your fist clenches as you feel as if your character is being attacked. You feel the need to defend your friend, and you have the energy to argue the man down so hard that he'll leave her house forever.

"I actually do-"

"Excuse us Monsieur, Y/n and I were actually wrapping up our meeting. We're old friends, my mother used to clean her kitchen and bedrooms, so now she comes to visit. But she has something important to attend to, so she has to go."

You don't get a chance to protest as Hitch snatches you by your hand, she pulls you out of the kitchen and house entirely as the cold gaze of the soldier follows the two of you all the way until you disappear out of the house.

"What was that-"

"Y/n, shut up, are you out of your mind? That could have turned really bad!"

You want to argue with Hitch, but her face is red, and it's hard to irk the woman, so you know this is bigger than what you're understanding.

"I'm sorry Hitch, I was just trying to help."

You glance down, feeling a bit of shame as you knew there was a different way to handle that situation, but you had chosen to handle it your own way.

"I get that, but you have to calm down. I'm an adult, Y/n. If I need your help, I'll ask for it, ok? Trust me, I don't like this arrangement as much as you do."

Hitch pauses, looking off as she puckers her lips a bit, "But, he's not too bad on the eyes though-"


You snort, hoping the woman's internal emotions wouldn't cloud her judgment.

She waved her hand, "Oh come on, give a girl break. All I have to look at is the local baker, and he's missing a few fingers."

You snort, and the both of you share a laugh before you choose to speak once more.

"Hitch, if he's supposed to live here, then how are..." You glance around, "the crows supposed to flock?"

Hitch sighs at your worry," I've got it figured out Y/n, so don't worry about anything. Ackerman leaves at night to visit his comrades."

Your stomach twists a bit, but you nod your head as you decided to trust your friend.

"Ok, goodbye Hitch."

"Goodbye Y/n, I'll see you later."

You turn your back to her, the sound of her door opening and closing is the last thing you heard before your thoughts overtook you.

At the time, tensions between Y/n and Levi were high. Yet, neither of them would know what it would take for them to work together.

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