Chapter Eight Continues

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I'm at my workplace with my employees Joel, Leonardo my secretary, Sarah, and Lisa, documenting everything she says, word for word.While we were listening to her, I also found a victim suffering from child molestation at a tender age. So, we are going to be having an online meeting with her. It's really difficult trying to get her to talk to us because she's scared we were sent by the FBI. She told me several people tried to reach her and use her for clout after getting what they needed from her story. They abandoned her to face her fears and fate all over again. I really felt bad for what humans do to people, but what do you expect from them? Selfish people, including me, who are talking here, I promised her that this film was to narrate and change their story and lives and get the justice that they have been wanting for years. When I came in here, Joel told me he found a male who was molested by his fellow men, which I found sickening. Why would you do that? I just hope we can get people who can't speak about getting the hope they are looking for. By hearing that, I really felt bad for that man and imagined what trauma he would be facing. I support lgbtq and I believe that not all lgbtq people are monsters and animals. The man in question, who was raped, was 16 years old. While he was going to his house around 5pm, he was taken by a man who I believe is a pedophile and sick in the head. felt horny for a minor and raped the child at the age of sixteen and not only that, he was left alone on the streets. I pray that this film will change the hearts of victims to speak out and programs to educate and protect people who suffer from this and what happens in society. Today was going to be a very hectic day for me, and that meant I would stalk my girl in a very weird way. I know that I am very obsessed with her in a positive light, not like some perverted and manipulative man who wouldn't want my woman to have people to associate with her. I hate bossy people around me, except my workers, and after work, I don't give a fuck about what they do with their lives. I can say I am a selfish bastard who cares about myself and sometimes my mom always complains about it. She eventually grew accustomed to my behavior as long as I am not causing any problems in the house and am caring for my family and friends while she is present.I am the only safe, to say the least, and very excited about it. I can't imagine how my mother would be shouting at me in front of my workers. To be honest, that's fine by me.

I decided to pay more attention because I am the boss, and I decided to set a good example by listening to what she was saying and jotting down every word she said. I heard something she said. She was like, "My boyfriend every night brings girls in, makes them sleep with her, and rapes her in front of several of his friends. I was pissed and thought what a jerk he was. How would a guy go as low as trying to make himself seem in power when he powers himself to make himself look strong by downgrading women? What the fuck is that disgusting character doing rather than working hard to become rich and get a job? What some children called "men" decide to look down at women and involve themselves in useless things that do not benefit them.

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